Anschutz 54 Stock--Value?

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Anschutz 54 Stock--Value?

Post by ciscovt »

I have a older Anschutz 54 which I have restocked to a left hand stock. The original right hand stock has a Bob Freeland two way adjustable butt assembly on it with pad but no hook, trigger guard and full length rail. It was glass bedded to my 54 action by Creighton Audette of Springfield VT.
I have a former teammate who is interested in buying it to set up a rifle for his wife. I don't have a clue what to tell him for a price. I want to be fair to both him and to me. Would anyone please be willing to give me a ballpark figure. The picture is not of the actual stock. It is to show the style of stock.

Acschutz Stock 3.jpg
Acschutz Stock 3.jpg (10.03 KiB) Viewed 961 times
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