Trying to get into to pistol shooting

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Trying to get into to pistol shooting

Post by golfer47 »

I am trying to get into pistol shooting.I have thought about a Benelli MP90S or a Walther GSP Expert.I have read several posts in the forum regarding this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Also, where can I get any info such as magazines or books on the subject.I live in Corpus Christi,Tx is there anywhere close that I can look at thes pistols.
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Post by Rover »

You'll be shooting at a club. Chat with the other shooters. See what's for sale (someone's always selling a gun). They will let you handle or shoot theirs. See what you can learn. Don't be in too big a hurry.

I recommend a match grade air pistol at first. You can practice at home and compete with it at the range (hopefully). It is the best trainer and cheap to shoot (tried to buy some .22s lately?). You can get a used FWB 65 or Pardini K58 pretty reasonable and not worry about recharging it. You will gain absolutely no advantage going to one of the gas guns.

Good luck!
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Post by golfer47 »

I went to the local shooting club and they only shoot cowboy and defense shooting. The only club that shoots targets is about 2oo miles away.
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Post by Oz »

I've only been in your part of Texas a few times, but I would think that you've got enough population to support a bulls-eye target shooting club, don't you? Especially if the closest club is 200 miles away.

If you're really up for it, it's time to start up the club yourself! Get some free PR and let people know that if they would like to shoot in the Olympics, they can start with the club.

Sounds like a lot of work doesn't it ;-)
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Post by Isabel1130 »

What kind of shooting do you want to do? International or Bullseye or both? I do most of my training on my own and then go to lots of matches. Just because a club caters to one type of shooter does not mean you cannot do another there. You just need to buy the correct targets and post them at the proper distances. If the club has turning targets that can be a real plus for training for bullseye, Standard Pistol and Center fire. I generally shoot real ammo only once or twice a week. I shoot plenty of Air Pistol at my house and also dry fire and work with an electronic trainer. The beauty of the guns that you mentioned is that I believe both guns can be purchased with a .32 conversion (I know the Walther can be) so that they can be used for both .22 and CF. However, this is probably only sufficient if you desire is to shoot International or indoor bullseye only. At 50 yards in the .32 version both of these guns without a lot of work and careful reloading will not be accurate enough at the 50 yard line. Isabel
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Post by Rover »

Now I get it! I thought you meant get into pistol competition.

As the other posters said, either start matches you want at a club or I guess you'll be shooting "Cowboy".

Another option is to compete in "Postal Matches" where you send your score in and you are competing with shooters all over the world. You could shoot this at home with air pistol and at the range with a .22.

You can pull these up on the web. Try
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Post by golfer47 »

Thanks for everyones info. it has given me several great ideas and places to start. I will go to the local club and place ads, pehaps there are several people that are interested. Thanks again for the info.
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