re-peeling the onion, please read

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re-peeling the onion, please read

Post by pilkguns »

What do you like about this format?

What do you NOT like about this format?

Are we better served as a worldwide community by continiuing format, or moving something onto Facebook or similar networking group.
David Levene
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Post by David Levene »

If it isn't broke then don't fix it.

It might be that I have got used to it but I couldn't think of any way of improving the format (other than possibly stopping guest postings).
Ernie Rodriguez
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Post Subject

Post by Ernie Rodriguez »

I agree with Dave-No more guest posting.The forum is just fine otherwise.
Mike M. (as guest)

Post by Mike M. (as guest) »

I like the current format. Facebook, etc. are often not available form some computers.

As to guest posting, it would be nice to have long-term login capability. I find that if I log in, it kicks me out after a few days.
Mass Shooter
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Post by Mass Shooter »

This is a comfortable format, nicely constructed. I like it!

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Post by left360 »

The present format is fine. Works well, few issues. 'Facebook' and the others still seem to be a bit 'buggy'.

Eliminating 'guest' postings would be an improvement.

2650 Plus

Post Subject

Post by 2650 Plus »

Please dont change anything. I get as much well thought out comments by the guest posters as from the elitists. I dont knock either group as all are intrested in our sport enought to contribute to this forum Good Shooting Bill Horton
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No gust responses

Post by roostonu »

Is logging in that much trouble really? In most cases it doesn't make a difference as to who made a comment, but in some it does. An example would be the recent discussion on the IZH-46M. It appeared as if the same person was commenting as a geust under different names, just to get his point across that he felt they were inferior. No facts were stated to back up his case and givin the number of negative comments, someone could form an unwarranted negative opinion. In that case it appeared to me that an actual member was posting as a guest just to hide his identity. If it was indeed the same person and he was forced to log in, there would have been one negative opinion instead of five or six. It is very disshonest to try to sway someones opinion in this way. Creating an account is so easy and requires a name and an e-mail address. It holds people responsible for there actions. Not that there are alot of negative comments, but I can guarantee there would be less if guest comments weren't allowed. I would also bet that most guest comments are not due to people not wanting to create an account but just not taking the time to log in. This is the only forum I've seen that allows anonymous posts.

Do we really want to walk through life without effort, thought or accountability. That to me is the definition of Liberalism.
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Post by Freepistol »

This forum is excellent!

I prefer the login feature mostly because it allows me to go back and correct what I thought I said but was incorrect. I also like the option to correct my spelling/grammar errors. Additionally, it's interesting to see the countries of the posters in the profile.

Mike M.
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Re: No gust responses

Post by Mike M. »

roostonu wrote:Is logging in that much trouble really? In most cases it doesn't make a difference as to who made a comment, but in some it does. An example would be the recent discussion on the IZH-46M. It appeared as if the same person was commenting as a geust under different names, just to get his point across that he felt they were inferior. No facts were stated to back up his case and givin the number of negative comments, someone could form an unwarranted negative opinion. In that case it appeared to me that an actual member was posting as a guest just to hide his identity. If it was indeed the same person and he was forced to log in, there would have been one negative opinion instead of five or six. It is very disshonest to try to sway someones opinion in this way. Creating an account is so easy and requires a name and an e-mail address. It holds people responsible for there actions. Not that there are alot of negative comments, but I can guarantee there would be less if guest comments weren't allowed. I would also bet that most guest comments are not due to people not wanting to create an account but just not taking the time to log in. This is the only forum I've seen that allows anonymous posts.

Do we really want to walk through life without effort, thought or accountability. That to me is the definition of Liberalism.
It can be, if you use multiple computers as I do. The S/W will recognize one...or the other. You wind up having to log in each and every time you want to post.

Post by Guest »

I enjoy this forum as it is. I wouldn't change anything. I would not join a Facebook group. I also tend to use the guest feature on this forum despite having created an user account--which I mostly use for PM'ing.

Personally, I understand this forum as a worldwide meeting place for shooters. Thus, websites like Facebook would be out of the question since they may be banned in countries like China.

If anything, I'd consider a new look for the forum, but keeping the same forum software in the background. Or, perhaps, using a slightly bigger font size as default. At some point I came across a forum which let the users download the different threads to their computers in (I'm not sure about the format) PDF files with just a mouse click. I found that feature particularily interesting.

Thank you very much to our host for giving us -shooters- the oportunity to interact with other fellows worldwide.
Tom J

Current Format

Post by Tom J »

I also am in favor of maintaining the current format. Thanks for asking for our input.
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Re: No gust responses

Post by roostonu »

Mike M. wrote:
roostonu wrote:Is logging in that much trouble really? In most cases it doesn't make a difference as to who made a comment, but in some it does. An example would be the recent discussion on the IZH-46M. It appeared as if the same person was commenting as a geust under different names, just to get his point across that he felt they were inferior. No facts were stated to back up his case and givin the number of negative comments, someone could form an unwarranted negative opinion. In that case it appeared to me that an actual member was posting as a guest just to hide his identity. If it was indeed the same person and he was forced to log in, there would have been one negative opinion instead of five or six. It is very disshonest to try to sway someones opinion in this way. Creating an account is so easy and requires a name and an e-mail address. It holds people responsible for there actions. Not that there are alot of negative comments, but I can guarantee there would be less if guest comments weren't allowed. I would also bet that most guest comments are not due to people not wanting to create an account but just not taking the time to log in. This is the only forum I've seen that allows anonymous posts.

Do we really want to walk through life without effort, thought or accountability. That to me is the definition of Liberalism.
It can be, if you use multiple computers as I do. The S/W will recognize one...or the other. You wind up having to log in each and every time you want to post.
Please keep in mind that I'm not trying to insult you, but are you really that inconvenienced by logging in? You have been a member for almost 4 years and with your total number of posts, that is an average of 1 post every 7 days. Logging in for me means typing a total of 16 characters. If I post as a guest I still need to manually enter a verification code of 6 characters which I would bet takes just as long as logging in, because my user name and password are embedded in my mind, where as the verification code is foreign to me and requires some level of concentration. You say you would have to log in "Each and every time" which gives the impression that you are posting continuously throughout the day, but that isn't the case.
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john bickar
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Post by john bickar »

I don't see any advantage to moving the discussion forum to Facebook or another service, and I do see some disadvantages.

I'm glad that signatures, avatars, and other graphics (even ads) are limited, as overuse can really get irritating on other forums.

I find the guest posts both amusing and annoying. I don't know of any other forums that allow anonymous posting (aka, "drive-by thread-crapping").

One interesting policy that they have on the forums (formerly is that you are supposed to use your real name either as your screen name or in your signature. This tends to raise the civility of discussion, and lets you judge the quality of information you're getting.

As far as look and feel go, I don't know phpBB very well, but if it's like most LAMP apps I would venture a guess that there are multiple themes or skins available and it would be possible to make those available for users to choose. Likewise with an "export as PDF" plugin/module.

All in all, I like the format (and I've been around since the midcoast BBS days).

BTW You can increase the font size in your browser by hitting Ctrl+ (the Control key and the plus key), or Cmd+ on a Mac.
Patrick Haynes
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Re: re-peeling the onion, please read

Post by Patrick Haynes »

pilkguns wrote:Are we better served as a worldwide community by continiuing format, or moving something onto Facebook or similar networking group.
One of the problems with FaceBook is the spamming with ads. You've got a winner here, Scott.

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Re: Post Subject

Post by mstuhr »

2650 Plus wrote:Please dont change anything. I get as much well thought out comments by the guest posters as from the elitists. I dont knock either group as all are intrested in our sport enought to contribute to this forum Good Shooting Bill Horton
I agree with 2650Plus
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Post by bummer7 »

I vote to stay with the forum and format. It's works well, has a decent search function, and nicely organized. After several years of using it - you come to appreciate the interface and layout.

If anything I would opt to require registration before users can post. And "Thank you" for supporting and maintaining the site.

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Post by Ricardo »

I like it fine the way it is. Yes, guests can be obnoxious, but there have been some fine posts by guests. If I had my druthers, I would just cut back on the gratuitous liberal-bashing that is considered OK here. Example: "Do we really want to walk through life without effort, thought or accountability. That to me is the definition of Liberalism."

Really. This is not a political forum; it's a forum for serious, well-meaning shooters of a variety of backgrounds and religions. And please don't reply to THIS post here; the discussion is about the forum itself.
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Some suggestions

Post by Chicken-Farmer »

I really miss being able to log onto pilkguns and see the used guns section. I find it very hard to locate used guns posted by our host. Maybe add a sticky that can be used exclusively for used guns posted by pilkguns.
I love the forum and have not found another forum that caters exclusively to precision competition airguns. I do find activity on to be very slow at times sometimes a day or two will go by with only a few new posts. I understand that in the grand scheme of things we are a very small community of enthusiasts. I love the fact that when i have a question the forum is very helpful and full of great information. Keep up the good work!

David Levene
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Re: No gust responses

Post by David Levene »

Mike M. wrote:It can be, if you use multiple computers as I do. The S/W will recognize one...or the other. You wind up having to log in each and every time you want to post.
I don't understand that Mike.

I use one computer at home, one at work and a laptop when travelling. Apart from the occasional need to login (about once a week on average) I have no problems. The system normally allows me in from any of the machines, keeping me logged in.
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