Feinwerkbau Distribution

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Feinwerkbau Distribution

Post by peterz »

Earlier today I was chatting with one of the staffers at FWB in Germany, and I asked whether -- since Beeman was sold -- FWB was still using them as its distributor/importer in the US. The answer was an unequivocal "no." He indicated that they wanted to set up their own network here. They referred me to Gartland Precision as a major rep.

Apologies if this is old news to everybody else.


Post by zollman »

I'm not so sure that Beeman no longer being the "major" handler of Feinwerkbau is a bad thing. There are several folks in the U.S. that can get them; our host being one of them. Brenzovich, ISS, and I think Champions Chopice all offer them, as well.

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Post by peterz »

I certainly don't think now that it is a bad thing that the FWB/Beeman link is broken. We may get better-specialized retailing and even lower prices as they can compete against one another. I just thought it interesting that the chains were so quickly broken.

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Post by pilkguns »

Beeman ceased being an exclusive FWB importer in 2001. At that time, they made us (Pilkington Competition) and several others, Brenzovich, Neal Stepp, Champions Choice, and some others no longer in business importers so that the FWB firearm lines could be imported as Beeman wanted out of that side.

Chuck Gartland, has recently been made a FWB dealer and is expecting his first shipment of guns in soon.
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