German shooting clubs?

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German shooting clubs?

Post by dhurt »

Howdy, I am going to be in Idar-Oberstein in October. I would love to shoot an airpistol match while there. Anyone know of a local club? How difficult would it be traveling with an airpistol?? Would it be better to try and borrow an airpistol? Thanks a bunch, Dwaine
2659 Plus

Air Pistol matches in Germany

Post by 2659 Plus »

Even without speaking German you should have no trouble finding a club that is hosting matches. Even the smaller villiages have verines and compete regularly with surounding towns. You are unlikely to find a club with a Garman national level shooter but you should have a fine time shooting with the locals. One tip Don't bragg before you shoot. The Germans have been long exposed the our soldiers bragging about their expert badges and you will have to prove yourself with hits on the target. Good Shooting Bill Horton
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Post by Rover »

I would phone or e-mail your hotel (they always speak English) and put your problem to them. I bet they'd come up with a contact.
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Post by Alexander »

There is nothing wrong with bragging and lateron be proven wrong - it is always reason for good-hearted amusement.

As to formal matches, most of the ISSF affiliated clubs (the vast majority) shoot their various league matches on different performance levels. You can look up the respective leagues and the participants on the websites of the county associations (Schützenkreise) and regional associations (Bezirke). However, summer is .22 sport pistol time, and winter is air pistol time.

You could import your own air pistol (as long as it has the "F in pentagon" mark) or use a club gun. Keep in mind that even free air guns are subject to the same transport restrictions as live firearms.

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Post by Alexander »

More information:

1. Idar-Oberstein belongs to the Rheinischer Schützenbund ... reise.html
as regionally ruling DSB state federation (the reasons why the federation borders do not coincide with the present borders of Germany's federal states, always give long and rather interesting insights into the early post-war occupation history of Western Germany, and even older layers).

2. It is situated within the Bezirk 15 and Schützenkreis 151.

2a. One local club:

3. The Bezirk has two regional leagues for air pistol:
First League results 2009:
Second league results 2009:

4. Regional championship results 2010 are online - scroll down to section 2.10.*
A result of 380 is not a mean feat in air pistol, and the chap even is from the club SV 1858 Idar-Oberstein:

5. There are numerous higher leagues above the region, too many to post about. Do a seach on Stefan Bizer.

David Levene
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Re: Air Pistol matches in Germany

Post by David Levene »

2659 Plus wrote:
Congratulations on the score improvement Bill.

Post by dhurt »

Thanks for the great inputs! I will look into them. Dwaine
2650 Plus

Post Subject

Post by 2650 Plus »

Not really a score improvement as I averaged over 2670 for a three week training period. In this case it was only a typing error. I don't always speel corectly either. Good Shooting Bill Horton
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