pillar bedding?

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pillar bedding?

Post by Charlotte »

If a rifle is pillar bedded, will the action sit higher in the stock than before or should it be pretty much about where it was prior to bedding? If it does sit higher, how much and how high would be unacceptable?
Eric U

Post by Eric U »

If it is properly pillar bedded, the height should be the same as before it was bedded.

Eric U
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Post by justadude »


What Eric said.

In the bedding process a small amount of material is removed from the bedding channel and in the case of pillar bedding also from the through holes for the bedding screws. Pillars (usually aluminum) are epoxied into the bedding screw holes and the action is cast in place into a bed of fiberglass and epoxy.

Properly aligned the barrel should be perfectly straight down the barrel channel and the action should sit at the same height as where it started within say a millimeter or so of where it started. (If that much)

Bottom line, unless you are inspecting the rifle, specifically the seam between the action and the stock, carefully you should not be able to tell the rifle has been bedded and certainly the action should not appear out of place.

If your action is sitting noticably higher there are two issues: The fiberglass bed is likely too thick. The trigger will not drop down as far below the stock as normal and might feel funny.

Sorry I am not telling you exactly good news.

Posts: 60
Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:33 am
Location: Atlanta, GA

Post by Charlotte »

Thanks for the replies. I'm having it done over again by someone else with a great reputation in the shooting community. This has been an unpleasant situation, but I'm happy it can be fixed.
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