CCI Misfires

A place to discuss non-discipline specific items, such as mental training, ammo needs, and issues regarding ISSF, USAS, and NRA

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Post by pzoba »

I used to shoot a lot of Bullseye Pistol some years back. I had Fiocchi Super Match or something like that for my Hammerli 208S's to use in matches but when I was practicing I would use CCI SV. At that time I was shooting about 15,000 rounds a year. Never any trouble until one new case came along (this is 10-12 years ago). In that case, I would find 2-3 misfires per box of 100. As this persisted and was quite annoying, I dug around and called until I found Quality control at CCI. When I told them what was happening, they asked me to send the remainder of the case back to them with a few 'hit once' rounds. They sent me 2 fresh cases in return. Unfortunately, the problem persisted. I contacted the QA guy again and he was quite upset. He had the cases returned via UPS at his expense and then sent me 3 fresh cases from a different lot #. I never had the problem again and I have a whole bunch of ammo still. I am still working down those cases...

In any case, rather than talking to the store where you bought them, contact the people who really need to know about the problem. They will make the effort to find them worth your while and they can and will find the source of the problem and get it fixed. They truly want to know there's a problem - at least they did in my case. Give it a try! - z
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Post by Billy75 »

I would try the Quality control route, but I am 14000 kilometres away.

Wouldnt mind a few free cases though LOL

The shop has been very fair with me, and as always helped to their fullest potential.
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Post by pzoba »

I'm not sure why distance matters...? I guess time zone matters but they probably have some way to report quality problems electonically or maybe try the contact us route on their web site and see if they care enough to route your note to the right people...
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Post by Spencer »

our AUS 'sale of goods/consumer' acts have the retail outlet as the first step, though reporting problems to the manufacturer is a good idea
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Post by Billy75 »

Fingers crossed the ammunition isnt just rotated on the shelves to become someone elses problem.

The gun has since been through an entire brick of SK Pistol Match with no troubles.

Lucky, because the user has a very very big competition in Sydney next week.
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Post by jannypan »

I was quite concerned as the last competition we were at we witness a very large number of malfunctions during the match. (Spencer may be able to shed some light on those malfunctions as he was officiating at Burilda CMPC??) MapleStory Mesos
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CCI Misfires

Post by Finprof »

I just purchased and received a brand new FWB AW-93. It misfires about once every 25-30 shots with CCI SV. I am convinced that it is the gun and not the ammo because the ammo is from a case that is about 1/2 used up with no previous misfires from any of the previous 2000-2500 rounds.
I think that the chamber is very tight, so that the cartridge does not fully enter the chamber but rests just barely outside the chamber. If you think of the firing pin as the hammer and the chamber as the anvil, the bullet is not all the way on the anvil when the firing pin hits it. After a misfire, I dropped the magazine, worked the slide so that it fell sharply on the misfired round, replaced the magazine, and everything went well. It is definitely not a problem with the primer since the primer would ignite on a second firing pin hit in the same spot.

After a few CCI SV misfires I switched to SK Standard Plus and got no more misfires.

I had both types of ammo in my bag because I use the SK in my Anschutz rifle. The CCI has a slightly larger bullet diameter and makes it difficult to close the bolt. The SK is either smaller or more lubricated so it enters the chamber more easily. The CCI was for a Smith 41 and a Marlin 1897 where it worked perfectly.
The cure on the AW93 would be either to ream out the chamber to accept a larger diameter bullet like the CCI or, alternatively, use SK. I think I will try the latter route even though it is slightly more expensive.

By the way, the only problem was misfires on a chambered round. It fed and ejected without a hitch for about 200 rounds.

Post by Guest »

Have you considered a really thorough cleaning of the chamber? I've had this come up from time to time. I clean the chamber with a patch full of JB Bore Paste which is slightly abrasive. It will clean and polish a rough chamber. Worth a try...

Post by Guest »

I believe light strikes should be a serous variable to consider.
I have had misfires on a TOZ 35M with almost all brands I have used, and do believe they are all caused by light strikes, since after rotation in the chamber they fire on second try.
I had one SK round in the past that never did fire after repeated attempts, that was one round out of 10,000 of two lots.
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The Ammo or the Gun?

Post by Popeye »

I wouldn't blame CCI ammo on light strikes with a Toz35.

The light strikes are probably caused by a weakened main spring or fouling in the block that prevents the firing pin from freely slamming forward. I worked through these issues last month, and got my Toz35 working fine after a thorough cleaning. The spring is newish.

I have a large case of recently purchased CCI (a new batch), and so far they are all doing the job without any malfunctions in a GSP. I've got through about 2,000 without a problem.....

....Touch wood!

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Post by NDbullseye »

I have been shooting CCI SV all year for practice and shortline for bullseye. No malfunctions or duds out of my IZH 35M. Half of the case is gone.
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Post by Rover »

Re: TOZ misfires. The TOZ springs are crap. Put in a new striker spring and cruise!
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Post by Crunchycard »

I have had the same problem with CCI with a model 52 but not as often as you make it sound i may get 1 every once in a while.
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Post by monalisa555 »

Nice Information.Thanks.
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