50 Foot Shooter wants to do whole 9 yards (well, 50 yards)

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50 Foot Shooter wants to do whole 9 yards (well, 50 yards)

Post by Amanda4461 »

Hello folks,
I have been reading old posts, and after today's range time, have some questions if you have some time.
I have typically always just shot the 50' Indoor .22 matches up Michigan way. Now that I live in Texas, I would like to do the 50', 25 yard, 50 yard thing with my Pardini SP and a .45, possibly made up by Mr. Toyota if I can get on his list. Today, I stuck a 25 yard target at 50 yards, with a 3" Orange Paster covering most of the 10-ring. The Pardini had no problem keeping 10 rounds in the center of the 3" paster, with my arms resting over a sandbag. Of course, just for fun, I tried my 1948 K-22 at the same paster and put all 6 rounds of Wolf Match Extra in the paster too, but they were hovering at the outer edges of the paster, not in the center of it like the Pardini's group. Still, helps you understand how good the revolver folks are/were. Most of the problem appeared to be trigger-related. The Pardini trigger is just that much better than the K-22.
My 1st question is, since the Pardini can keep all 10 rounds in a 3" circle, and most likely in a 2" circle at 50 yards, even though the Ultradot's dot size appears to cover the entire 3" paster at 50 yards, am I better off moving away from my normal Center hold for 50 feet, to a 6-o'clock hold for 50 yards? (in other words, will the Black Center of a regulation target make me lose the center, that I now see as an Orange paster currently for my 50 yard practice).
My 2nd question, would a Hardball .45, using 200grain LSWC and a lighter spring, be good enough to earn me Leg points, assuming I can do my part? I prefer an UltraDot on the .22, but Irons on the .45, since that is my carry and IDPA weapon of choice. If the hardball gun would do it, does it need to hold a 3" group at 50 yards, or would 4" be acceptable?
Thanks for all the help! I am enjoying the old posts as much as the new.
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Post by marvelshooter »

First your Pardini should be just fine at 25 and 50 yards without changing your hold or sight setting at all. Most .22's don't need any sight adjustment. Second question - your .45 should be fine for EIC - leg matches but not the load you propose. It has to be a 230gr FMJ only. Factory or reloads okay.
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Hardball Gun

Post by Amanda4461 »

Sorry, I type faster than I put thoughts together. I should have asked if the Hardball gun would be ok for the LSWC bullet to do the Centerfire/.45 part of Bullseye, even though I know the trigger is going to be 4.5# or so, and everybody uses a dedicated/red-dot equipped wad gun for Bullseye. I shoot my best scores with the Pardini anyway, and this would keep me from investing in something I would only use every once in awhile anyway.
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Post by marvelshooter »

As long as your hardball gun feeds SWC's okay you will be fine. My hardball .45 shoots my wadgun loads just fine and I do most of my hardball practice with SWC loads. I wouldn't hesitate to use it in a match if my primary .45 went down.
Good luck
Dan Allen aka marvelshooter
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Post by ghillieman »

Hi Amanda,

That Pardini .22 is a beautiful gun and it is more than accurate. I benched mine and shot 10 shots at 50 yards earlier this year. Using Aguila Match Rifle I put shots in a half inch, thats at 50 yards. I use a red dot and come up 3 clicks from 25 to 50, have no idea of the actual measured adjustment is, its not much.

The .45, use what you have for ammo, trigger time and proper practice is best for the 1911. Do however, make a choice if your going to shoot the .45 for EIC matches. If so only shoot that gun in matches and only use 230gr ammo. Otherwise go with NRA bullseye rules.

Local gun ranges to Beaumont:
Golden Triangle Gun Club http://www.gtgctx.org/index.html
Bayou Rifles http://www.bayourifles.org/
Texas State Service Pistol Championships https://www.tsra.com/index.php?option=c ... Itemid=158

Good Shootin;)
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Post by oldcaster »

I always use my hardball gun, only with 200 grain wadcutters, for the 45 portion of a 2700. My scoped Les Baer sits just hoping it will get used the next time out. 4 inches 10 shot 50 yards can certainly get you leg points. 2/3 of the match is at 25 yards and is where most of the points are lost so this is what you must practice the most. I don't think I could tell you without looking whether I fired a 200 wadcutter or hardball round out of my gun. I get away with 3.4 of Clays with a Magnus 230 and it is fine for 25. I use 3.9 at 50 yards which is also a light charge. For wadcutter I use 5.4 of Power Pistol for 50 and 3.4 of Clays for 50 yards. Experiment enough to find the optimum load but more important is practice on the range. If you did have a 3 inch gun though it might mean 5 or so more points in a NMC but if you can't, do with what you have.
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50 Foot Shooter wants to do whole 9 yards (well, 50 yards)

Post by Amanda4461 »

Thanks guys!
I believe I will just pony up for one of Roddy Toyota's Hardball pistols and use it for Bullseye also, since I doubt my carry Combat Commander will cut the mustard.
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Re: 50 Foot Shooter wants to do whole 9 yards (well, 50 yard

Post by TonyT »

Amanda4461 wrote:Thanks guys!
I believe I will just pony up for one of Roddy Toyota's Hardball pistols and use it for Bullseye also, since I doubt my carry Combat Commander will cut the mustard.
You may also consider the S&W 945PC. I have used several 1911's but found the 945PC right out of the box to be extremely accurate with a fine trigger. I use the old 185 gr. Star LSWCHP bullet with 3.8 gr. VV N-310 & WLP with excellent results at 50 yards. The only downside to the 945 is that it is not a 1911 frame so the normal 1911 accessories are not useable.
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Post by Levergun59 »

When you get your ballgun and change it over for light loads, you will probably use an 11# recoil spring or somewhere in that range. When you go to a match, find someone who has a mainspring housing with a lighter hammer spring installed. You can quickly switch it out on your gun and see how many lbs it breaks at. Without changing your trigger spring, the reduced hammer spring will reduce the trigger break of your gun. It is a lot easier to just replace mainspring housings.
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Re: 50 Foot Shooter wants to do whole 9 yards (well, 50 yard

Post by jackh »

Amanda4461 wrote:Thanks guys!
I believe I will just pony up for one of Roddy Toyota's Hardball pistols and use it for Bullseye also, since I doubt my carry Combat Commander will cut the mustard.
My Hardball gun by Roddy Toyota grouped 1" with Nosler 185gr JHP. It shoots the Gunny Zins ammo but will need a slightly lighter spring. It also feeds LSWC just fine but needs even a more lighter recoil spring to cycle. And the trigger is so good I wouldn't change it at all. I can however add moly lube the the sear and be just under 4#. With regular oil the trigger is 4#+
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