Keeping Score- Help Please.

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Keeping Score- Help Please.

Post by WeeHooker »

Hi all, I've been asked to help keep/calculate scores at our winter 10M air pistol league. The gent that has been doing it (for 41 years) does it all by hand.
I'm thinking there has to be a handy Excel file/ simple program out there to calculate /track weekly standings, shooters average, agrigate team score, etc. Can anyone help me out. I'd like to assure I get this right and timely.
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Post by Rover »

I'm no computer whiz, so...why reinvent the wheel?

The guy had a working method that would look good on a wall chart. That way the shooters can regularly abuse each other about standings and other such persiflage.
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Brian M
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Post by Brian M »

Rover, not a fan of the concept:

"Work smarter, not harder"?

Weehooker, I don't have one, but it sounds easy enough (less than 20 minutes) to slap together. Google will spit out any formulas that you don't know off the top of your head.


Post by weehooker »

My Excel skills are a little rusty. I'll try the google thing. I'm just figureing that I'm nto the first person not to want to do this by hand.

As for postings, that is the point. If I automate, I can post the standigns every week. I jsut don't have the time to spend to do it all by hand. I know I will fall behind.
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Post by Freepistol »

Here's a start for you to keep individual scores:
I used it to keep track of my FP scores and number of rounds fired as well as average, moving average, and number of rounds in each scoring ring. Delete that which is unnecessary for your use. You'll need to add a page that transfers the weekly score and average of each shooter, but that's easy.
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Post by Jacko »

I took over scoring responsibilities last year from a guy who was doing it all by hand. He used some spreadsheets but only as a table to print; there were no formulas. I created a spreadsheet that does everything in one workbook. Basically all you do is enter the scores and the spreadsheet does results, grades, points, handicaps, number of shoots, etc. I've never implemented an average feature since nobody seems to care. To be honest, some parts were annoying to code, but there's a way around everything and it works perfectly now.

My club scoring spreadsheet wouldn't really help you, since it's for all ISSF pistol matches, only caters for my small club, and doesn't (yet) work out averages for shooters (I have my own spreadsheet for that.) My advice would be to sort out the layout of the sheet, then start coding the formulas. As mentioned before, Google is your friend, but if you need advice about how to approach some particular feature then post here and I should be able to help. Unless there is someone here who is an Excel whiz and isn't a self-taught hack like me, in which case I will defer to their expertise.
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Post by v76 »

I use Google Docs to keep track and publish the results of the Canadian Airgun Forum monthly postal match. .

Just head over to, register an account and then open an account on blogspot... "Publish to web" fuction in Google Docs... copy paste and you're done.
Raymond Odle

Post by Raymond Odle »

Exel spreadsheets are quick and simple to set up. Ask a junoir to give you some pointers. You do not need complicated formulas.
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