Where do I get this particular type of iris for my glasses?

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Where do I get this particular type of iris for my glasses?

Post by USMC0802 »

Will attempt to explain what I am looking for and hope it makes sense.

The adjustable iris I have just broke and the coach had suggested trying out one that did not cover the entire lens prior to mine breaking. The outside diameter of the iris is basically the same 37mm diameter as my lens.

Some of my team mates have an iris that looks like it might be 30mm with the 3 arms reaching out to grab the outside of the 37mm lens. This is what I need. They got them from the AMU so I can't ask them where to go buy one.

I guess the reason for this and why my coach wanted me to try one is because it can let more light in around the outside of the eye?? I get some funny reflections or almost some double vision sight pictures. I did find an iris like this from a vendor at a match but it was for a 42mm lens holder.
Does my description make sense and does anyone know what brand it is or where I can get one in the US?
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Post by Spencer »

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Post by USMC0802 »

Can't get the site to come up right now. Did see the first page of their website and the iris covers the entire 37mm. Doing some other Knobloch searches, I did see that they make a 37mm with a white surround that might keep the target from looking so bright since your eye wont be surrounded and kept completely in the dark. Also saw they made a clip on iris for the 23mm lens as well. Either of those will probably do the trick. Wondered if you can put the iris on one side and use a clip on filter on the outside of the lens? Maybe I should make a new post for this but maybe you or someone else might know that answer. Surely you can. Thought that darkening the appearance of the light at the target might help. At the my home range, I like keeping the target not so bright as well as my shooting area and can see the target much clearer. However, I know I should train like I'm going to shoot and it is usually very bright at every pistol range I have competed at.
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Post by BobGee »

Yes, you can fit the Knobloch iris on the inside (eye side) of the lens holder and a filter on the outside.
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