No, Just trying to keep it quick and cheap. The LP300 can use 3,000 lbs, most only 2,000. It's been a while ... what do folks do? Buy used scuba tanks?
If you are leaning towards a used tank, you may want to visit a local dive shop first and find out what the down side may be. Here is a page from eBay describing what to look out for: ... 382/g.html
While you're in the dive shop, just ask if they have a used one cheap. It will be full and serviced. You also need a fitting to put your adapter into, preferably with a pressure gauge, but that can be a separate item.
You can usually find a few tanks on Craigslist for about $50, but you may need a service to get it filled (another $50). But maybe not, and if it's full you're probably good for a year.