FWB model 65 question, screw on top rear not seated. Help

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FWB model 65 question, screw on top rear not seated. Help

Post by johnjamis »

I just got this FWB 65 and I see that the screw at the top rear of the gun, just ahead of the rear sight is not seated properly. It sticks up about 3/16".

I can loosen it, but when I attempt to tighten the screw seems to have a shoulder that hits the frame top surface. There is a very small gap at the front of the screw and it is hitting the frame hard at the rear of the screw.

I tried to push the screw forward while tightening, but this did not seem to help. Do I need to take the gun apart to tighten this screw? Are there any disassembly instructions for this gun? Any ideas?

The screw is identified as 16001340 on the FWB 65 parts diagram.

Pictures of the problem screw are at: http://s683.photobucket.com/user/johnja ... y/FWB%2065

Thanks, John
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Post by conradin »

That screw goes all the way through the upper frame. If you loosen it, in order to tighten it back, everything has to line up correctly, especially the rear sight unit. The cylinder may also has some influence on how good you line it up.

You are going through four holes, and they have to be 100% line up. If you cannot loosen it up all the way, that means at least one hole is not aligned, and now you get stuck. Remember there is also the spring inside that is exerting a lot of force backwards. So you may have to also fight the spring to line things up.

You may have to completely dissemble the rear part of the pistol.

I have totally dissembled one and that rear is always a headache to work on. I admire anyone who can change the seal without much fuss and effort! Changing the seal is beyond my pay grade.
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Post by thirdwheel »

Conradin is correct that screw has to align with four holes. what may have happened is that under shock and percussion the screw has slowly undone itself as it holds the spring cap in place stopping it all flying appart under pressier. Do not attemt to remove it inless you have a sash cramp and a piece of wood compressing the pressure of the spring. That is the way to go to get you out of this fix. Get hold of a sash cramp and make a piece of hardwood to fit the back cap as it has a sitght angle on it. put a small bit of ply on the barrel end to protect it compress the lot gently on the cramp and redo the screw up , you may find the thread of the screw has been damaged due to allowing it to sit wrongly. Simple job if you have the correct clamp and a bit of time. Without getting my pistol out I cannot remeber if you have to remove the sight but I'm sure you can work that one out. I've had this happen so now keep an eye on the slot angle of that screw, a touch of thread lock may be needed but I think the sidways (sheer) pressue it is under should really hold it. Good luck.

David M
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Post by David M »

Also, a common cause of this shouldered screw coming out is it may have sheared off the threaded section in the frame.
Load up the rear casting to take up the spring pressure and remove the pin and inspect for thread damage.
Caution do this in a fired state as this rear casting and pin takes full spring pressure when cocked.
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Post by johnjamis »

Thanks for all of your help. I will try the "sash cramp" idea to relieve the pressure on the screw and attempt to properly seat it. I thought this screw had all of the spring pressure on it, but had no idea how to unload it. John
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Post by johnjamis »


I removed the rear sight assembly and clamped between the muzzle and rear sight mount area(end cap). It took a fair amount of force, but the end cap moved forward so that the problem screw could be easily tightened.

Before clamping there was slight gap (.030) between the end cap and main gun frame. The gap closed with the clamp pressure.

Thanks for your help. John
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Post by thirdwheel »

Very glad this did not turn out to be a major fix and you sorted it without drama.

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