Shot plotting and display programme

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Post by RoryW »

Hi all

As a part of my work I have access to Sigmaplot. It is a very versatile scientific data handling package which I use to plot my shots from the Sius printout. Once one notebook file has been set up it is just a cut and paste job to replace to bring the data in and the figure is drawn. I hope I have made the correct assumptions about the x and y columns

It can export in a wide range of formats

The attached file is a pdf. I'll try and insert the jpeg


Target talk.pdf
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Post by PeteJ »

Hi RoryW

Thanks, that looks good and is certainly part of what I'm looking for, although at 800 USD for a single user licence, I might need to find a job that allows me to use it there!

Out of interest, doesn't Sius provide you with some suitable software as part of the package anyway?

Post by Guest »

PeteJ wrote:Hi RoryW

Thanks, that looks good and is certainly part of what I'm looking for, although at 800 USD for a single user licence, I might need to find a job that allows me to use it there!

Out of interest, doesn't Sius provide you with some suitable software as part of the package anyway?
Unfortunately I shoot as a guest on the only range here in Melbourne that is equipped with the sius targets and I haven't been able to get into the Sius software to see what it can do.
The plots are nominally polar plots, but it is possible to get sigmaplot to use xy coordinates directly. there may be alternative plotting systems (Matlab is one) that offer a polar plot. Inevitably they are expensive.
You can do it as an xy scatter plot in excel but the plot is less visually appealing on a square grid. A quick google turned up this add-in for excel but I have no idea how well/or if it works.

Good luck with it

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Post by Chris__Colorado »

Hi All,

Here is an Excel 2007 spreadsheet I use, on occasion, to plot scores and to keep a record of a practice session.
I built this when my son was learning to shoot.
This BBS does not allow .xlsx files, so i renamed it to .xls
PLEASE rename the file back to an .xlsx suffix before you open it.

It is unprotected so you can edit and adjust it as you like.

Right click the "Scoring Master" Tab to create a copy.
Then explore the copy.
This allows you to have a copy for each practice session just by making a copy of the "Scoring Master" Tab.

You can see the formulas.
You can also use the Formula Tab, Trace Precedents to see the formula inputs and cell relationships.

The spreadsheet does some analysis, recommends clicks for sight adjustments when statistically significant (>=1SD), and plots the shots on a graphic representation of the target (a very close but not a perfect representation due to the use of a graphic image and not a drawn/calculated image target)

The Megalink target supplies:
a score
a distance that is up or down
a distance that is left or right

This data is entered into the spreadsheet (Green cells only) in columns O, P, Q, R, S
Score, ##.# U or D ##.# L or R
9.8, 9, U, 0.9, R
Columns O,P,Q,R,S
Measurements are in millimeters (target center to pellet impact center as shown by the MegaLink target display)

The spreadsheet the calculates the score based upon the location data.
This calculated score usually matches the entered score, and on rare occasions when it doesn't, is never off my more than a tenth of a point (Columns A through D). This is done primarily for data validation. If the calculated score and entered score difference is greater than .1, then there is a data entry error somewhere. A quick check of Column D will quickly show where potential data entry errors are.

The spreadsheet then plots the shots to a graphic target.
See Columns AC to AS
The left plot shows the last 5 shots, color coded, with scores inside the pellet hole.
The right plot shows all the shots.
Both plots show the center of mass of their respective shot group (5 shots, all shots) with a cross target symbol "+"

Under each graphic is some analysis that recommends sight adjustments in clicks if and only if the recommendation exceeds a standard deviation.
Note that the left recommendation is based upon the last 5 shots and the right recommendation is based upon all the shots in the data.
Recommended shot adjustments are located in Cells AJ33, AJ34 and AS33, AS34
I usually only made adjustments when both models recommended adjustments, and always did lower recommended number of clicks.
Formulas are set for a FWB Model 2 sights (clicks up/down, left/right). You can adjust these to match your pistol by changing the formula in Cells AJ33, AJ34 and AS33, AS34 to match your sights. Currently, it is set such that each click is 1.5mm movement at the target (may be wrong as this is from memory. You may have to adjust the value in the formula for your sights, as it currently uses 1.5. Ours was set at 10.67 clicks per scoring ring))

There is some statistical analysis in Columns T through Z that you can adjust to do you what you want (right now, it does a 5 shot average, a running average, and a projected match score if the current average holds)

*******The primary benefit of the spreadsheet was to have a record of a practice, to determine when sight adjustments might be recommended, and to project match scores based upon various string averages (3, 5, 10 , 20 shots, etc by adjusting the formulas in columns T-Z).

Have fun.

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Post by PeteJ »


Thanks! Nothing short of spectacular...

I'm no excel expert, in fact not far from rookie, so if there's anyone out there up for working out how to convert for standard +/- co-ordinate input from the KME (data ealier in the string and I think Sius and Meyton are similar), rather than the apparently unusual Megalink UD/LR, the miracle might be near to complete.

I say near, as being greedy, the next level is finding how to auto centre a given string of shots to find the highest possible decimal score, so displaying the centralised group, actual score and highest theoretical score.

As the data would be available, it would seem to be a simple step to display the shot distribution on a bar graph as well, so a consolidated 10, 40 or 60 shot group is shown in bars, with the X axis being decimal score (10.9 down) and y being the number of hits at that score).

Finally, if the display could also draw a circumference around the selected group, you could also assign a diameter measurement, giving the maximum group size.

Voila, a home grown batch testing display for bench testing ammunition in the comfort of your own range, using your own target.

Any takers :-)
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Post by Chris__Colorado »


Everything you requested is quite feasible.

As my son practices twice a week at our local club, I can update the spreadsheet as I watch him shoot.

I think the first one I will do is allow for the input for the other form of data input. That transform shouldn't be too challenging.

I work on the rest as time permits during the practices.
Mathematically moving the shotgroup to determine the maximum possible score of said group is feasible as I'm halfway there already by having calculating the center of mass of the shotgoup. This offset can be added to each shot, and then the resulting re-centered data analyzed to provide the info you desire (maximum possible shot group score, etc).

I'll post updates as I make them.

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Post by PeteJ »


You really seem to have the spreadsheet bug... and good on you for that; and thanks for all your help in advance!

Please tell me if I'm being too ambitious, but there are a few display points that I thought I should collect from earlier in the thread, in case they help.

The first is the possibility of a printable array, based on the number of 10 shot strings and overall group from a selected number of shots; in our case mainly 60 shot 50m ISSF prone rifle, a bit like the Meyton one, but with less vertical etc. data: (...oh to be able to put groups together like that!). Other's might want 3x20 or 30x40 rifle, which I guess is v3.0 ;-)

Then there's p37 and 42 of the Meyton batch test programme here: ... ium_en.pdf; particularly the bar graphs for the groups.

Finally, I attached a 50 shot KME .txt file earlier in the thread that I hope will give you enough data to be going on with; as that's the format we will need to open in Excel, whether to assess the decimal match score etc. or if testing batches. We could post a 60 shot file later if that would help.

Hopefully there are some useful clues anyway, as I'm not sure what's practical or possible.

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Post by IRLConor »

PeteJ wrote:Finally, if the display could also draw a circumference around the selected group, you could also assign a diameter measurement, giving the maximum group size.

Voila, a home grown batch testing display for bench testing ammunition in the comfort of your own range, using your own target.
Slightly off-topic: For those who use Megalink targets and MLShoot (a.k.a. running the target from a laptop) a recent software upgrade added an "ammo" print option. I've attached a PDF of the normal "graphical" and the corresponding "ammo" view.
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Re: Shot plotting and display programme

Post by redschietti »

Anybody have a linkthat works or a hard copy of the article mentioned by rossm? I think its the one im looking for and it was great!

HS kid needs it for physics project. THANKS
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