Last night I built a 10m pulley system into the garden out the back of the garage and tonight I have my first real go (excluding yesturdays zeroing session.
I must say these "card" targets from ebay are crap! They just rip! Got 1000 fibre board bisley targets on the way, hopefully they are here tomorrow. I have a couple of bisley ones and they seemed much better when I tried those last night.
My first card
Nothing to write home about - I noticed I was snatching the trigger a lot. So I read a few posts on here about dry firing and got my technique down much better. I was just snatching as I passed the target, I should know better from my rifle experience but oh well.
So this was the 2nd card
I really took my time on this - made certain not to touch the trigger unless I felt the shot was a good one. Must have aborted more shots than I took but the improvement was great! Was very concious about my trigger technique. A big step in the right direction :D
Then disaster struck... on putting out card 3 the knot I used on my pulley system broke and I was not in the mood to fixed it, so the rest of my cards are shot at 7 yards - garage length.
Card 3 after a 7 yard rezero
I was not happy with my body position, I could not settle. I was fighting all the time to keep on target. Again I was concentrating on trigger technique and aborting unless I felt the shot was a good one, but my position let me down.
Card 4:
This time I was concentrating on body position - I spent a good 3/4 mins concentrating on this. Once I had my feet absolutely where they wanted them when I raised the gun it just floated towards the target naturally - I used some chalk to draw around my feet and made sure to mount the next card exactly where this one was.
Card 5: (5 shot - last one)
I really tried hard here, it was my last card and my arm was getting tired and I was getting cold (need a garage heater... next purchase).
I made sure my feet were exactly in the same position as last time with the chalk lines and did my absolute best. I knew the cards tore up very easily so this time I taped some thin card to the back but it made little difference I think. I can't tell where the 5 shots landed but I felt really good on 4 of these and I knew one went high - I am pretty confident I got 4 in the 10 ring and one slightly high.
A nice note to end it on though! Very happy with this - hopefully I can keep pushing on. I will fix the pulley system tomorrow so I can shoot at 10m again.