vision quest

For those who like shooting in the snow

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vision quest

Post by novagoldn »

I participate in Biathlons and use my distance glasses. The prone position works fine, it is the standing position. The dame glasses fog up every time. So I shoot without them and thus I spend an enormous amount of time in the penalty loop. Thinking of getting contacts. Any other solutions, suggestions, views into the glass ball?.
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Re: vision quest

Post by Spencer »

Armor All Anti-Fog Wipes
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Re: vision quest

Post by Krenovian »

I also wear glasses. Most of the time an antifog treatment does the job. However on occassion it fails. I train with Jeremy Teela and he has been telling me to shoot without glasses. When I've tried shooting without glasses I see a double image of the front aperture. However, a week ago I found that if I stop my rear iris down enough I can get the front aperture to resolve into a sharp picture. I shot without glasses in a scrimmage last Saturday and did the best I've ever done. Cleaned the prone stage and missed two targets standing. After the scrimmage I continued to shoot standing and had one bout that I cleaned. I had never done that before in a race or practice.

It isn't critical to have the target in sharp focus but it is critical to have the front aperture in focus. If using an iris on your rear sight doesn't accomplish that sharp focus then antifog wipes or solution would be the way to go. Contacts can be problematic as they can dry out while racing. They also can move about on the surface of the cornea causing changes in your vision. One of our club members who used to ski with contacts has gone to glasses after having issues with the contacts. Do a search in the forums here for "hyperfocal distance" or just "hyperfocal" to learn more.

I should note that my vision issues are related to aging changes. My near sight has become progressively worse with time. Distance vision is only slightly diminished by comparison.
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Re: vision quest

Post by egghead »

I got contacts this year for this exact reason. So far so good. I prefer glasses but when you can't see due to fogging you ski a lot of laps...
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