National Rifle League 2018

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National Rifle League 2018

Post by Peakconti »

National Rifle League/

VT Winter Postal League

2018 Season

(518) 534-1730

The National Rifle League, (Formerly known as the Vermont Winter Postal League) has been in existence since 1975. This is a smallbore/ air rifle league. We would like to extend an invitation to your club, or you as an individual to join us for the 2018. Last year we had 38 Teams from across the Nation with over 240 competitors. The skill level for this league range from entry level to some of the best in the country. The League is designed to be easy going, easy to manage, with little cost and hopefully will grow our own adult or junior shooting program. I have attached the official rules for the 2018 season as well as the final results for last season. The league cost only $7 per shooter to participate, with part of those funds going back as rewards. Your club can enter its own team or multiple teams at no additional cost. The flexability of this league allows for handicapped or physically challenged shooters to participate with no doctor’s note. We offer three separate disciplines as a way to compete, Prone, 4-Postion, and standing. You can compete Air rifle or smallbore. Teams can be made up of mixed disciplines and you can have as many shooters are on team as you desire with the top 4 scores counting. Don’t have four shooters we even give you a fourth handicap score.

The league starts early January and runs for 10 weeks. You are welcome depending on your clubs schedule to start early if that fits your need. Results can be seen on line, however I do send out a weekly recap with result that include adult and junior all-stars, hot shots, and Division & Conference standings.

Our goal is to help grow the sport across the country and within each individual club. Our members have found that league participation gives a sense of purpose to their season.

Registration is done one line at our web site hosted by Net. Competitor at our web site . If you have any questions please send me an e-mail or give me a call at 518-534-1730. We are also on facebook at VT Winter Postal League / National Rifle League.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you will consider joining us.

Peter C. Visocnti, Esq


National Rifle League


Plattsburgh Rod & Gun Club

League Champions

1975 CoveredBridge 1991 Burlington 2002 Whitehall 2013 Whitehall

1976 Burlington 1992 Burlington 2003 Whitehall 2014 Albion

1977 Covered Bridge 1993 Burlington 2004 Whitehall 2015 Albion

1978 Whitehall 1994 Burlington 2005 Whitehall 2016 Sutter

1979 Whitehall 1995 Fort Ann 2006 Whitehall 2017 Chico

1985 Whitehall 1996 Burlington 2007 Whitehall

1986 Whitehall 1997 Burlington 2008 Whitehall

1987 Burlington 1998 Burlington 2009 Whitehall

1988 Burlington 1999 Fort Ann 2010 Whitehall

1989 Burlington 2000 Whitehall 2011 Whitehall

1990 Burlington 2001 Whitehall 2012 Whitehall

2017 Final Team Standings

1. Chico CA 15874 League Champion, Western Conf. & Div. Champions

2 Plattsburgh RR NY 15789 Eastern Conf. & North Div. Champions

3. Albion PA 15787 Central Div. Champions

4. Whitehall NY 15717 Saratoga Div. Champions

5. Rosyln NY 15693 Southern Div. Champions

6. Sutter Gold CA 15681 2nd Western Div.

7. Jamestown NY 15673 2nd Central Div.

8. New Holland PA 15641 2nd Southern Div.

9. Nashville TN 15623 3rd Southern Div.

10. Barrington NH 15622 Eastern Div. Champions

11. Sutter Blue CA 15486 3rd Southern Div.

12. Bridgport CT 15401 2nd Southern Div.

13. Rotterdam NY 15370 2nd Saratoga Div.

14. Hudson Falls NY 15206 3rd Saratoga Div.

15. Sutter White CA 15157

16. Point Claire 1 PQ 15061 2nd Northern Div.

17. Plattsburgh A NY 14806

18. Amboy OH 14774 3rd Central Div.

19. Capital City WA 14764

20. Massena NY 14394 3rd Northern Div.

21. Plattsburgh JR NY 13631

22. Northfield VT 13515 3rd Eastern Div.

23. Columbia NY 13018

24. Cary NC 12933

25. Shelby IL 12445

26. Mount Vern WA 12390

27. Rochester NY 12266

28. Plattsburgh E NY 12530

29. Pointe Claire 2 PQ 11895

30. Torrington 1 CT 11801

31. Alexandria Bay NY 11472

32. Plattsburgh MK 10519

33. Torrington MM CT 10313

34. Rochester CC NY 9799

35. Burlington VT 9610

36. Plattsburgh JRE NY 9548

37. Rochester BB NY 6614

38. Plametto SC 3430

Most Improved Team

Western Conference

Shelby ILL Coach James Gratz

Eastern Conference

Pointe Claire PQ Coach/ Captain Jose Vila

Rookie Team of the Year

Western Conference

Nashville TN, Coach/Captain Mike Carter

Eastern Conference

Bridgeport CT Coach Josephine Burzynski

League Champion

Chico CA, Coach/ Captain Dana Ahola

2017 Division Standings Northern Conference

Northern Division Wk1 Wk2 WK3 WK4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 WK8 WK9 WK10 Total Top Shooter

Plattsburgh RR NY 1578, 1575 1578 1576 1581 1582 1578 1578 1580 1581 15874 P Visconti 395

Pointe Claire 1 PQ 1475 1489 1483 1513 1504 1524 1407 1517 1508 1534 15061 F Bastin 386

Massena NY 1460 1407 1450 1466 1422 1422 1441 1440 1436 1450 14394 B Berg 369

Plattsburgh JR NY 1413 1411 1411 1451 1389 1394 1383 1340 1040 1399 13631 A Visconti 383

Ponte Claire 2 PQ 1115 1171 1198 1145 1147 1230 1169 1235 1099 1190 11895 R Arora 336

Alexandria Bay NY 499 1176 1131 1095 1126 1141 1183 1171 1171 1160 11482 D Howard 326

JR Eagles NY 1052 825 961 993 1010 1023 1049 1065 536 1033 9548 H Visconti 292

Eastern Division

Barrington NH 1557 1555 1563 1565 1557 1572 1562 1564 1559 1557 15622 J Liska 396

Bridgeport CT 1537 1535 1540 1528 1547 1555 1540 1543 1547 1530 15401 K Kutz 389

Northfield VT 1514 1510 0 1526 1440 1426 1534 1530 1519 1516 13515 Delmas 386

Eagles NY 1440 1325 1320 1331 987 1354 996 1015 646 1391 12530 S Gordon 369

Torrington P CT 1182 1198 1164 1309 520 1251 1281 1341 1258 993 11801 P Cianciolo 379

Torrington MM CT1082 1035 1122 1167 800 1148 1163 1167 837 882 10313 P Masucci 336

Burlington VT 1478 1088 691 1062 690 690 693 668 1077 1073 9610 J Dugas 394

Saratoga Division

Whitehall NY 1574 1575 1573 1561 1575 1570 1573 1570 1564 1581 15717 J Pratt 394

Rotterdam NY 1549 1555 1547 1550 1545 1555 1549 1544 1529 1439 15370 W Christman 394

Hudson Falls NY 1519 1510 1513 1497 1524 1531 1525 1525 1537 1525 15206 Morris 388

Aces, NY 1468 1463 1474 1454 1479 1476 1492 1505 1506 1489 14806 R Patric 379

Columbia Cty NY 1305 1214 1317 1289 1276 1330 1298 1334 1290 1365 13018 J Marotta 383

Marksman NY 1151 1163 1225 1119 1121 890 1179 743 1158 770 10519 J Cuntz 376

Western Conference

Southern Division WK1 WK 2 Wk3 WK4 WK5 WK6 Wk7 WK8 Wk9 Wk10 Total Top Shooter

Roslyn, NY 1559 1567 1576 1567 1583 1565 1576 1571 1556 1576 15693 F Greco 394

New Holland PA 1558 1550 1562 1562 1557 1567 1571 1573 1571 1570 15641 P Irvin 393

Nashville TN 1572 1566 1569 1575 1578 1576 1461 1579 1582 1565 15623 W Shumaker397

Cary NC 1458 1555 1454 1551 1460 1555 681 681 1466 1074 12933 S Rockett 394

Palmetto, SC 593 641 623 875 0 0 0 963 0 0 3430 K Shah 354

Western Division

NorCAl CA 1588 1587 1582 1585 1586 1589 1588 1588 1591 1590 15874 Q Hutchinson 397

Sutter G CA 1555 1565 1565 1567 1575 1569 1572 1582 1568 1563 15681 D Mcilwain 393

Sutter B CA 1541 1562 1552 1550 1532 1550 1551 1547 1557 1544 15486 R Graff 390

Sutter W CA 1486 1514 1517 1458 1526 1536 1522 1541 1525 1505 15157 S Benesh 387

Capital City WA 1477 1461 1476 1487 1478 1455 1490 1469 1484 1485 14764 E Boos 390

MT Vernon WA 1292 12911326 1303 572 1329 1319 1331 1318 1308 12390 J Correa 373

Central Division

Albion PA 1577 1576 1578 1590 1577 1578 1580 1572 1578 1581 15787 N Pavolko 394

Jamestown NY 1556 1572 1563 1567 1557 1560 1564 1571 1575 1575 15673 C Hanson 399

Amboy OH 1489 1504 1488 1476 1491 1498 1495 1329 1491 1515 14774 D Mitchell 381

Shelby IL 1253 1275 1301 1296 1268 1325 1275 1274 954 1314 12445 McRenolds 366

Rochester NY 1059 917 1179 1413 1360 1033 1427 1399 1198 1281 12266 A Gross 393

E Rochester C NY 1213 1215 0 1278 1190 1311 0 1303 1078 1210 9799 J Basile 333

E Rochester B NY 797 918 558 589 966 929 0 975 882 749 6614 J Keenan 281

2017 League MVP’s

Clayton Hanson, Jamestown Wesley Shumaker, Nashville

2017 Rookie of the Year

Quade Hutchinson, Chico CA, Kyle Kutz, Bridgeport CT

Super Senior

Norbert Yakey, Plattsburgh NY Age 84, 393.30 4-P


“Top 10”

4-P Prone Standing

Clayton Hanson 399.30 Wesley Shumaker 397.56 Andre Gross 393.80

Quade Hutchinson 397.20 Hap Rocketto 397.40 Martina Gratz 391.29

Nadine Ahola 396.80 John Liska 396.50 Abigail Wensell 391.12

Nathan Pavolko 396.80 Warren Christman 394.88 Joe Shrader 390.17

Michelle Ahola 396.70 Peter Visconti 394.50 Scotty Rockett 388.00

Dana Ahola 396.40 Jacques Dugas 394.40 Matthew Sanchez 386.86

Peter Visconti 395.40 Fred Greco 394.30 Andrew Visconti 367.11

Larry Pavolko 395.20 Paul Deslierres 394.00 Perry McFarland 359.70

Jason Pratt 394.90 Larry Puccio 393.70 Michael Tursi 352.11

Todd Hanson 394.70 Robert Keane 392.89 Scot Robertson 348.20

2017 All-Stars

First Team

Northern Division Eastern Division Saratoga Division

Peter Visconti 395.40 John Liska 396.50 Jason Pratt 394.90

Andrew Visconti 394.50 Jacques Dugas 394.40 Warren Christman 394.88

Paul Deslierres 394.00 Robert Lynn 390.90 John Hollister 393.20

Norbert Yakey 393.30 Gordon Page 389.70 Robert Keane 392.89


Second Team

Frank Richards 391.50 Kyle Kutz 389.50 Lou Pratt 391.70

Karen Visconti 391.50 Kaitlyn Kutz 388.00 Jim McGinnis 390.30

Fabian Bastin 386.90 Viki Delmas 386.33 Jonathan Steffan 389.33

Amy Visconti 383.40 Steve Landry 385.40 Robin Morris 388.00

First Team

Central Division Western Division Southern Division

Clayton Hanson 399.30 Quade Hutchinson 397.20 Wesley Shumaker 397.56

Nathan Pavolko 396.80 Nadine Ahola 396.80 Hap Rocketto 397.40

Larry Pavolko 395.20 Michelle Ahola 396.70 Fred Greco 394.30

Todd Hanson 394.70 Dana Ahola 396.40 Larry Puccio 393.70

Second Team

Andre Gross 393.80 Jordon Sterns 394.70 Paul Irvin 393.11

Quinn Combs 392.78 Paula Lambetz 394.00 Mike Carter 391.90

Andre Gross 392.10 Dawn Mcilwain 393.56 Paul Bahna 391.78

Martina Gratz 391.29 Ryan Olivera 392.20 Abigale Wensell 391.12

Junior All – Stars 2017

Eastern Conference First Team

Northern Division Eastern Division Saragota Division

Amy Visconti 383.40 Kyle Kutz 389.50 Joe Delorme 387.86

Kyle Johnstone 380.20 Kaitlyn Kutz 388.00 Justine Marotta 383.20

Thomas Vila 373.30 Hope Kavulich 383.50 Noah Ramey 383.00

Spencer Ashline 329.33 Megan Wilcoxson 380.83 Connor Lavoi 358.50

Second Team

Holly Visconti 292.70 Kayley Pasko 378.44 James Baisley 355.90

Wyatt Bridges 254.89 Lauren Chechsoki 371.90 Kalista Kopec 313.30

Cole Bridges 254.78 Hayley Reynolds 367.00 Ashley Carmon 245.38

Derek Jock 341.25 Rise Reynolds 366.75

Western Conference First Team

Central Division Western Division Southern Division

Clayton Hanson 399.30 Dawn Mcilwain 393.56 Abigale Wensel 391.12

Quinn Combs 392.78 Ryan Olivera 392.20 Scotty Rockett 388.00

Andre Gross 392.10 Madyson Pack 391.80 Matthew Sanchez 386.86

Lauren Thompson 381.90 Madison Erickson 388.50 Michael Zanti 390.33

Second Team

Colby Pecorella 374.80 Mirette Ochsneer 388.30 Kian Shah 354.33

Emma Mcreynolds 366.60 Sara Benesh 387.50 Lynn Schehle 349.00

Joseph Basile 333.38 A.J. Fedora 386.60 Ariana Schuehle 299.00

Anne Harvey 330.00 Courtney Crouse 386.11

All – Stars 2017

Western Conference Eastern Conference

Hap Rocketto 397.40 John Liska 396.50

Paul Irvin 393.11 Jacques Dugas 394.40

Frank Wasco 392.60 Norbert Yakey 393.30

David Allen 389.00 John Hollister 393.20
Posts: 297
Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:51 am
Location: champlain ny

Re: National Rifle League 2018

Post by Peakconti »

******** 2018 ********
National Rifle League /
Vermont Winter Postal League
(518) 534-1730
Facebook at “Vermont Winter Postal League”

To consist of 10 matches, All Ten of which will be fired on your home range with
scores entered on line. Match 10 targets must be mailed to the league director for scoring.

NRA smallbore rules will apply. Any sights (irons or scope)

Electronic Targets are permitted

Handicapped shooters are welcome (no doctors note required)

Four-Position Division
The course of fire will be 10 shots per stage, prone, sitting, kneeling and
standing at 50 ft. on the A17 target. Or at 33’ on the AR-5/10 targets air rifle.

Prone Division
The course of fire is be 40 shots prone fired on the USA-50 targets. Please be sure to include the number of “10”s fired for tiebreaking (for match 6&10). As a point of reference the USA-50 Targets requires the ten ring (dot) to be covered to be considered a “ten”.

Air Rifle / Standing
The Course of fire is 40 shots Standing on .177 air rifle, on the AR-5/10 target at 33’; or at 50 feet on the A-17 target. Please be sure to include the number of “10”s fired for tiebreaking (for match 6&10).

Shooters are permitted to fire in one, two or all three divisions however they must register and pay separately for each division they compete in.

Open to teams/clubs and individuals

Registration and Submission of Scores On Line
Please go to to get started. This system should eliminate any errors and also allow our league to continue to grow. Team Captains need to go directly to the web site to register their team and pay fees (via credit card), Contact Matt Haggstrom at with any technical issues.

Please make sure to enter the birth dates (or at least year of birth) for all your shooters so that they can be categorized as Senior or juniors.

Scores will be entered via the internet at you may enter your scores at any time prior to the due dates (feel free to start early), if on any particular week a team captain is unavailable or unable to enter their scores, then you may send them into the league via e-mail to and we can enter them for you.

Week One scores are to be submitted by Sat 1/13/18 and then weekly thereafter.
Week Two scores due by 1/20/18
Week Three scores due by 1/27/18
Week Four scores due by 2/3/18
Week Five scores due by 2/10/18 (brackets are set for match 6)
Bye week for match 6
Week Six scores due by 2/24/18 (this is our first bracket match)
Week Seven scores due by 3/3/18
Week eight scores due by 3/10/18
Week nine scores due by 3/17/18 (brackets are set for match 10)
Bye week for match 10
Week Ten scores due by 3/31/18, Targets should be mailed or hand delivered
no later than Saturday 3/31/2018

Handicapped / Physically challenged shooters are welcome

Team captains and individual competitors will submit scores on or
before the Saturday of each week. Note if you find a mistake in a score that you submitted you may change same prior to the due date, via, after that date you may change it, but the computer system will not update scores until it is approved by the league.

Team Match
The top for individual scores from each team will count as the clubs team score. An individual may fire more than one discipline each week and that person’s top score can be used for the team score, however only one score may be used.

Handicap score, if a team has fewer than four shooters then a team will automatically receive a score for one additional shooter, this score will be tabulated by averaging the top three shooters and then multiply that score by 75%. This handicap is good for one additional shooter only, the score does not count towards any individual shooter, it shall only county towards the team result for that week and the team’s season total. For example if the top shooters have an average of 390 you would multiply by 75% for a 292 score added to the team result.

Match results will be reported to team captains/contacts and individual unaffiliated competitors weekly. Via e-mail and can be seen directly at individual shooters make sure the league has your e-mail address.

Individual Award Schedule (a little something to increase interest)
Cash prizes for individuals from the 4-P Division, Prone Division & Standing Division
will be awarded based on the scores from
Match 6 and 10 (the princely sum of $5.00 per match).

To be eligible for final end of the season ranking a shooter must fire in a minimum of
50% of the league matches.
4-P Winners will be chosen from each group of 4 shooters who will be ranked
into mini-match groups according to their weekly aggregate averages. If,
after dividing the shooter list by 4, if only 2 competitors are left, those persons
will be merged with the next mini-group. Ties will be broken by position (Standing
then Kneeling then Sitting, and then Prone Score).

Prone Winners, will be chosen from each group of 4 shooters who will be ranked
into mini-match groups according to their weekly aggregate averages. If,
after dividing the shooter list by 4, if only 2 competitors or less are left in a bracket, those
shooters will be merged with the next mini-group.
Ties will be broken by the number of tens. Please note when scoring “Tens” on the USA-50
target the ten ring “dot” must be covered by the shot. The plug will cover the dot.

Air Rifle/ Standing Winners, will be chosen from each group of 4 shooters who will
be ranked into mini-match groups according to their weekly aggregate averages. If,
after dividing the shooter list by 4, if only 2 competitors or less are left in a bracket, those
shooters will be merged with the next mini-group.Ties will be broken by the number of tens.

The winner of the team championship (highest total aggregate for the 10
matches) will be declared the Team Champion and will have their team name engraved on the league plaque.

Fees $7.00 per competitor; Competitors can fire in both the 4-P, Prone and
Standing Divisions but must register separately & pay for each division.
(There are no additional Team Fees)

Register at: Enter Scores at:
Correspondence to:
Peter C. Visconti
60 Oak Street 518-534-1730
Champlain, New York 12919

FACEBOOK, The league is on Facebook, you can find us under “Vermont Winter Postal League”, check out the page and “like” us. Team captains please find someone with a smart phone and take a team photo and some action shots during some of your club matches during the season to share on the page.
Past League Champions
1975 Covered Bridge 1991 Burlington 2002 Whitehall 2013 Whitehall
1976 Burlington 1992 Burlington 2003 Whitehall 2014 Albion
1977 Covered Bridge 1993 Burlington 2004 Whitehall 2015 Albion
1978 Whitehall 1994 Burlington 2005 Whitehall 2016 Sutter
1979 Whitehall 1995 Fort Ann 2006 Whitehall 2017 Chico
1985 Whitehall 1996 Burlington 2007 Whitehall
1986 Whitehall 1997 Burlington 2008 Whitehall
1987 Burlington 1998 Burlington 2009 Whitehall
1988 Burlington 1999 Fort Ann 2010 Whitehall
1989 Burlington 2000 Whitehall 2011 Whitehall
1990 Burlington 2001 Whitehall 2012 Whitehall
Posts: 297
Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:51 am
Location: champlain ny

Re: National Rifle League 2018

Post by Peakconti »

It is now time to start to register and set up your teams for the 2018 season, any questions send me an e-mail at
or call or text me at 518-534-1730

Cost is just $7 per shooter no additional team costs.

Please log in at

Looking forward to a great season

Peter Visconti
League Director
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