Scores for US Coins

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Scores for US Coins

Post by Chris__Colorado »

I've always wondered what various coins would score if on a pistol pellet target. So, I finally wrote a little Visual Basic function to do the calculation for me. I've posted the results below. Kinda neat to share with the kids (or parents).
/[img] ... 0V2a3FfUDQ
Pistol Coin Scores - 20171006t1327.pdf
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Re: Scores for US Coins

Post by Chris__Colorado »

I've received several PMs about the excel spreadsheet.
Rather than send this out individually, I've attached the Excel spreadsheet to this post for all.
The macro is unprotected and the code is pretty well documented, so you can adjust it as you see fit.
It's just a brute force implementation of the scoring rings, literally looking up values in a table to see where the pellet scores.

It's not perfect and doesn't work the way I initially planned, but the table output shown in the previous posts is correct. I had to use an adjusted (by 1/2 a pellet width) input to the function as it's currently written.
It's not a finished product and why I didn't post it earlier, but here it is anyway :-)

PS If someone adjusts the code to work better, please let me know. Thanks.
PPS Seems we can't upload an excel XLSM file, so here's a link to the file. ... Dl2aXpEYXc
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