Rear sight for 3P on Anschutz 64 Match

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Rear sight for 3P on Anschutz 64 Match

Post by aalbert »

Just bought the following gun for my 13yr old son who shoots Smallbore with the Dade County Juniors and the Hollywood Gun Club, as he is/has outgrown the Junior Achiever we have checked out from the club, and is too small for the 1410 that I also have.

Gun looks very minty, but is missing the rear sight.. Question at this point is would I be better off sourcing an old 6702/6705 sight, or going with one of the $150 Gehmann units (I already have a Gehmann adjustable Iris I can use with it).





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Re: Rear sight for 3P on Anschutz 64 Match

Post by aalbert »

Posted the same question to Rimfirecentral, and the response kind of confirmed my gut level, so I have ordered a Gehmann rear sight for this gun.
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