Sight after repair way off

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Sight after repair way off

Post by CamelNL »

Recently i bought a new air pistol. After a few weeks iT leaks air and is send away for repair. But now i recieved a new pistol and the sight is way off. Please look at the photo and tell me if This extreme left position is normal for a new gun.

Last edited by CamelNL on Tue Sep 11, 2018 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sight after repair way off

Post by Gwhite »

Did the pistol arrive that way, or did you have to adjust the sight over to the left to hit the center of the target? It's not unheard of for the front sight to get knocked sideways in shipping, which will require that you crank the rear sight off in the same direction. It can depend on the design of the pistol, but many of them just have a set screw that prevent the sight mount/compensator from rotating. A good jolt in shipping can twist the sight to one side or the other.

I sent my Morini 162EI in for an overhaul this summer, packed in the factory case. When it came back, I could see just from looking at it that the front sight was rotated to the left. I loosened the set screw, and held the compensator twisted back to the right while I tightened the screw. I this it's still a tiny bit cockeyed, but I've gotten used to it & it shoots fine.

One way to check is to use "winding sticks" ( to see if the front sight is canted relative to the top of the rear sight. I use a pair of 6 inch steel rulers, but anything reasonably straight will do. It can be a little tricky to balance the rules, but if they are steel, you can use magnets to help hold them in place.
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Re: Sight after repair way off

Post by CamelNL »

No, i had to adjust iT this far.
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Re: Sight after repair way off

Post by Gwhite »

OK, I'd definitely check that your front sight hasn't gotten knocked sideways.

You don't indicate what your skill or experience level is. There are technique problems that could also push your shots off to the right. Even if you are getting reasonably small groups, it's possible to develop a consistent error. If you are uncertain, the quickest test is usually to have an experienced shooter try the pistol and see where their shots go.

It is always possible that the front sight was installed crooked and can't be straightened out. IZH-46M's were notorious for this problem. If that is the case, you will need to talk to whoever sold it to you.
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Re: Sight after repair way off

Post by Rover »

Nothing unusual. It was a different gun than the one you sent, so it wasn't knocked out of whack while shipping.
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Re: Sight after repair way off

Post by CamelNL »

Gwhite wrote:OK, I'd definitely check that your front sight hasn't gotten knocked sideways.

You don't indicate what your skill or experience level is. There are technique problems that could also push your shots off to the right. Even if you are getting reasonably small groups, it's possible to develop a consistent error. If you are uncertain, the quickest test is usually to have an experienced shooter try the pistol and see where their shots go.

It is always possible that the front sight was installed crooked and can't be straightened out. IZH-46M's were notorious for this problem. If that is the case, you will need to talk to whoever sold it to you.
The front sight is in the right place. Still the rear sight is (for my feeling) extreme to the left.

David Levene
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Re: Sight after repair way off

Post by David Levene »

CamelNL wrote:The front sight is in the right place. Still the rear sight is (for my feeling) extreme to the left.
Can you adjust the width of the gap in the rear sight?

If so then is it only one side of the blade that moves?
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Re: Sight after repair way off

Post by Gwhite »

You are shooting pretty good groups, so it's unlikely it's a technique issue. Your shots are mostly a bit to the left, so if you correct that, the sight won't be quite so far from center.

It may be a bit disconcerting and/or annoying, but I've seen pistols that shoot just fine that had the sights off center about as much as yours. If the front sight is on straight, I'd ignore it & get back to shooting.
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