Smallbore - off season trainer

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Smallbore - off season trainer

Post by WingsFan »

I'm very new to smallbore, just started at a local club about a month ago, but should have started years relaxing. The club has free loaners Anschutz 64 match rifles, and all the accessories, but they only operate April-October because they are on an outdoor pistol range and daylight is limited. Shooting 50ft I've gotten a few 49s on prone and sitting (no 50 yet) and still working on kneeling and off hand with a ways to go.

Trying to figure out what to get for a practice rifle. I've been looking at used Anschutz 64s, Kimber 82Gs, etc.... I've also considered getting a CZ 455 and upgrading it. What are your thoughts or suggestions.

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Re: Smallbore - off season trainer

Post by beye »

If you're looking at the medium level target rifles that are not too heavy, the 64 Anschutz is the best bet. There have been numerous stock models with the 64, so you might look at one that has the ISU type stock (deep in the area in front of the t/g). It's a little more suitable for 4 position shooting. The older prone stock version is not too bad. Another one to look at is the Remington 540X (prone style stock) and 540XR (ISU type stock). The Remingtons have buttplates that are adjustable up/down, in/out and cant. If you want to move up into the larger heavier (and better actions), look around for an older Anschutz 1407, 1408 or 1411. and if you're pretty strong, even a 1413 Int. thumbhole stocked rifle. Any of these 1400 series 54 actions bring less money than the new 64 rifles (1903) and are intrinsically better. As with any used rifles, check out the bore and functions. These older 54s are not any more accurate than Win. 52s and Rem. 40Xs of the same era, but have better stock designs and good triggers which help you in position shooting. Some of the Kimber 82 government models shoot well and some don't and not much is available in the way of triggers and the stock design is not close to being desirable for 4P shooting.
Tim S
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Re: Smallbore - off season trainer

Post by Tim S »

Good reply above, I'd add that a dedicated target rifle will save time and effort compared to modifying a sporting rifle. The CZ will need to go to a gunsmith or machinist to accept aperture sights, and even after tweaking the the trigger won't be as good as a 54 or even a good 64.
High Left
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Re: Smallbore - off season trainer

Post by High Left »

I've got no counter opinion of the club of a stock the 82G has. And the bolt handle locks you into the original sights, which are only fair in quality.

However, just for reference, x-tremeshooting makes a 2 stage trigger for them. I have several for Remington pattern actions and they're quite nice. Not quite the level of an Anschutz or FWB, but quite nice.
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