Steyr LP grip size?

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Steyr LP grip size?

Post by coker »

Hello to all,
I have a Steyr LP with an original Steyr grip made by Morini, the grip fits me perfectly well, or at least, I am used to it.
My question is:
How can I find out what grip size it is? I cannot find any markings or anything like that (or will try harder next time, with a flashlight looking at the inside). I would like to buy another replacement grip, but I would like it to be exactly the same size as the one i have,
but I do not know what size is mine.
any help?
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Re: Steyr LP grip size?

Post by Gwhite »

Check this out, maybe it will help: ... 92#p267292
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Re: Steyr LP grip size?

Post by ABerryhill »

I can help with your grip issue. As part of my custom grip business, I use a 3d scanner to scan and reproduce grips for target shooters. If I could borrow that grip for a couple of days I can put it on my scanner and then recreate it for just about any gun you'd like. I do this service for lots of my customers. You can search this site, and the Bullseye forum, for many reviews of my work and see examples at

I can get a copy of that grip into your hands significantly faster and for less money than one can come from Europe.

Thanks for looking and let me know if you have any questions.

All best,
Andrew Berryhill

Precision Target Pistol Grips
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Re: Steyr LP grip size?

Post by coker »

Hi all,
and thanks Andrew for showing us the nice work you do, I will certainly keep your contact info if I need a 3D print grip.

Based on the few replies, seems nobody can tell or know how to identify the Steyr Morini pistol grip size.
I wonder those selling their grips stating they are M, L or XL know the size of it because that is how they ordered it or bcs it is how they measure it.
I can use the Steyr Morini size chart and measure mine to know what size it is,
but I was hoping for the manufacturer to have some kind of markings on the grips.
Seems there is none, or if it was a sticker, it is long gone.

Thanks all,
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Re: Steyr LP grip size?

Post by northpaw »

coker wrote: Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:02 pm I was hoping for the manufacturer to have some kind of markings on the grips.
Seems there is none, or if it was a sticker, it is long gone.
Usually, they do. Stamped at the bace of the grip, S,M,L.
The only exception of my grips is one old grip for a Steyr LP5.
I think here is a need for standardization, one "M" grip from one manufacturer could be as large as a "L" from another. Confusing.
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Re: Steyr LP grip size?

Post by Gwhite »

The only manufacturer that is really good about grip marking is Rink. Their grips are all clearly engraved with the size and even if they have a 7 degree twist for cross-dominant shooters. They also have a letter code to give an idea of what pistol they fit.
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Re: Steyr LP grip size?

Post by SuperIIFT »

Good Morning
My 2 Steyr Grips are marked with a M on the base of the grips
They are both the same M = Medium
I hope this helps

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Re: Steyr LP grip size?

Post by Frenzy81 »

Have a look at Morini's website, they still make grips for all air pistols - even Steyr. It's just that they don't produce them on contract for Steyr anymore:

For reference, here's Rink's list of grip parameters explained: ... 255&p3=369
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