Stocks with "ears"?

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Stocks with "ears"?

Post by jbzeus »

Been out of the loop for a while. Looking for a position rifle. Considering used. Have some lower back problems so looking for something lighter (barrel, stock). Looks like the 1907 in the 1918 stock thatrust sold a few days ago might have been a good candidate. Ill need to put a lighter barrel on than a standard .920 or .875.

I see some stocks (Anschutz") that appear to have some kind of ears on the front of the fore end. I see most used rifles with them removed and the bolt holes showing on the top of the front of the fore end I assume so the barrel freefloats?

We're these ears a failed attempt to tune the barrel with pressure? Like a barrel band? I see the new FWB 2800 appears to have a band?

Any way to know when the various aluminum position stocks were made? I see whrerthe1918stocks are mostly black. I've seen blue, gold laminated wood parts on aluminum stocks and plastic parts too.
Tim S
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Re: Stocks with "ears"?

Post by Tim S »

The ears are weights, just screw-on metal weights. I think these first appeared on the 2013 which initially had a 50cm barrel, but are also found on the old cast alu 2213 and 2313 stocks. I'm not sure about the later 1913 walnut. As far as I'm aware the weights do not touch the barrel, and all Match 54 target barrels are free-floated from the factory. The rifle in this link, gives a clearer view: ... 22lr-f5529

As for the 1918/2018 were first made in plain polished alu. Black and brown came after. Other colours, like Olympic champ Du-Li's, are likely custom jobs.

By the way Anschutz's standard 24mm and 22mm contours translate to 0.94in and 0.86in.
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