I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

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I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by Rover »

With the guys I shoot with I get to see what works.

I'm not surprised when things don't go as planned (hoped? ….dreamed?).

Realistically, it doesn't matter which gun you choose as long as it half-assed fits.

No matter your toy, a good shooter will clean your clock with a FWB65.

Why do I say this? You can't buy points...get over it!

Pulleeze, prove me wrong.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by william »

SIX freakin' points!!!

Just bought it on Ebay.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by Dr.Lee »

Fred Kart said once, “ As long as the gun has a trigger, he’ll shoot it !”

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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by ihasagun »

And yet, the Avanti 747 is rarely seen at a match.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by sparky »

Meh. Buy all the points you can, then shoot for the rest.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by Rover »

When in doubt, whip it out!!!
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by atomicgale »

This thread has now taken the lead for DARWIN AWARD, usurping the previous Exploding Air Cylinders thread.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by spektr »

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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by ProdigalSon »

Reminds me of car forums where some people just can't get over new performance cars coming with dual-clutch autos instead of manuals. Technology advances. Old tech can be plenty good, but that doesn't mean we should just throw up our hands and say "We're done! No more R&D! Nothing will ever change!" and then go drink and reminisce. I've shot a FWB 65. I've shot an IZH46. I currently have a K2S (thanks m1963!). All three shot brilliantly, but the K2S is easier to shoot and nicer to look at, and while some people shoot purely for competition and improvement, I like to enjoy the small things like that as much as the competition.

Technological change is not a bad thing. Never has been. Never will be. It's good to appreciate the value of where we came from, and it's important to acknowledge the supremacy of the user over the tech, but the same drive that keeps us trying to shoot better should be driving engineers to try to make better gear for us to shoot with. 1 more point in your average is an improvement. 1 less pound of cocking effort is too.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by High Left »

For ref, I suck.

First 10 shots from my P8X were better than I've been averaging with my 65.

Better balanced, I think. Grip fits my hand better. Trigger is WAY better. I think.

But I suck, so what do I know? Other than, I suck, of course. Ask anybody ...

As for cars, there's something oddly satisfying about executing a perfect heel and toe double clutch downshift ...

Doesn't even matter that it was a lowly Ranger pickup with a stuck synchro.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by atomicgale »

The one MAJOR PROBLEM I had with my old IZH46 was that I literally got tendinitis in my elbow from having to manually cock the pistol so many times.

With the PCP pistols, now I can shift the overuse injuries and soft tissue damage to my shoulder and neck.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by gn303 »

It has been said before: you can't 'buy' points or a good shot. Shooters that are better than their gun still have to be born. If you have a competition grade weapon all you have to do is train, shoot, develop your skills. If you want to support the gun industry change guns as much as you can. It will/does make them happy and you be turning around in circles.
Enjoy shooting anyway!
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by Elmas »

Roper misses the point.

Nice new Steyrs , Morinis and Walthers aren't just for shooting high scores .

To own a beautiful well built piece of high tech is an end in itself.

If you shoot for competition increase the odds to your favour with a modern decent pistol , a pistol with little or no perceived recoil and adjustable everything .

There are many among us who shoot for pleasure primarily and for competition , compete mostly against their own scores .

There is a pleasure in handling , shooting and owning a superb piece of work.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by LuseKofte »

I owned Steyr and Walther , now a MGH 1 Hybrid.
As said above, you need to have the tool available in order to do a shooting sport.
After reading a lot about different air pistols and in special views from buyers , I came to the conclusion that a Benelli Kite would be a good deal for me.
But there are no dealers in my country supplying it, cheap and excellent quality compared to more popular types.
For my points , brand will not matter but type of pistol will
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by siordian1 »

It's all mental. If that nice new pistol gets you 10 points on your avg. then it was worth it. Trouble is the "high" always wears off. If you fall back down to your previous avg. then its you.

Roger, I shot a 544 on saturday. The boot I am wearing for by busted foot makes me tilt back a bit, by the second 30 shots I was able to compensate.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by kevinweiho »

New or old, it’s psychological, get over it and just shoot the damn thing!!!!
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by Gerard »

Rover wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2019 10:57 am No matter your toy, a good shooter will clean your clock with a FWB65.

Why do I say this? You can't buy points...get over it!

Pulleeze, prove me wrong.
I haven't shot competitively since November of 2013, for full disclosure. But during my several years of competing I went through a Baikal 46m, loads of machining to lighten the 46m and make it comparable to a modern PCP in balance, variations of grip design, then a Pardini K10 with custom grip carving, then a Pardini K12 again with a custom grip (same one as I made for the K10 but modified slightly to fit). I went from novice shooter struggling to get out of the 520/600 range to the point of becoming okay-ish at the local level, scoring 553/600 three times in competitions, and hoping to move higher but then suffering a shoulder injury and elbow problems due to over-training.

Out of that experience I can say one thing clearly to address the topic of this thread. Okay, maybe two things. Rover is a sincerely dedicated troll to be sure. Perhaps a bit lovable as trolls go, but still a troll. And second, that switching from a very accurate SSP to a PCP was not so much a matter of "buying points" as it was of enjoying the process. From an aesthetic perspective I simply enjoyed shooting the PCPs more. Nothing too complicated. Nothing expensive nor fancy either really. I mean, the difference between a $500 SSP and a $2,000 PCP is 1:4 in financial terms, which for a working man doesn't amount to all that big a difference. Buying 4 copies of the Baikal would just mean that 3 of them sat idle while I shot the 4th.

Buying a nice Italian PCP with significantly finer workmanship and very slightly superior accuracy (I tested it, from a vise, at 10 metres, with various pellets, and yes, the Italian junk performed about 1mm better in group size than the Russian junk with the same pellets - and yes, Rover, I did also test with RWS Diabolo Basic on both platforms, as well as fancier pellets) was just more fun. I enjoyed it more. Pumping with an FX pump isn't hard. It's easy, in fact. I've used the same pump since what, 2010? It's been fine. I oil it. It keeps working. I spend a few minutes pumping up a cylinder then get to shoot for a while. Not really much different from pumping a PCP one stroke at a time during a session. I still think the Baikal is a great pistol. And I'd still like to come across a Canadian-available Pardini K58 to buy as I think that'd be fun to shoot. But I love shooting my PCP pistol, and my several PCP rifles, and that's mostly because they're just so darn simple to use and so darn reliable.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by Rover »

siordian1 wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:12 pm It's all mental. If that nice new pistol gets you 10 points on your avg. then it was worth it. Trouble is the "high" always wears off. If you fall back down to your previous avg. then its you.

Roger, I shot a 544 on saturday. The boot I am wearing for by busted foot makes me tilt back a bit, by the second 30 shots I was able to compensate.
Rock on!, George.

I see you and Wilson are shooting your best scores now with your tired, old tech Morini 162 ei's.
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by LuseKofte »

Rover wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:10 am tired, old tech Morini 162 ei's.
For my sake, I tried the Morini 162, I liked it , but are used to pistols with backsight being in the rear . But it is still used by the best in the world. If I had time I would have bought the Baikal, it looks awesome. I just do not have the time messing with two guns
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Re: I'm sorry your new air pistol is a piece of crap

Post by northpaw »

LuseKofte wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 11:42 am After reading a lot about different air pistols and in special views from buyers , I came to the conclusion that a Benelli Kite would be a good deal for me.
The Benelli Kite was not a successful gun.
Benelli? That´s shotguns. They had better stay with what they are clever at. Shotguns that is.
LuseKofte wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:04 pm If I had time I would have bought the Baikal, it looks awesome.
Its not awesome. Stay away from that one. Buy a second hand PCP of one of the well reputed brands.

"Rover", do ya hear me?: The Baikal is a heavy peace of iron. Crappy performance and ergonomics. :-)
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