New York Compliant options for upgrade

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New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by inthebeech »

Since the Benelli MP that I was about to get until I found out that it is an assault weapon, I am looking for input on a step up weapon for 22 stage of Conv. Pistol.
My Buckmark, at the point where I am occasionally turning in Ex and M strings, is giving away more points than I'd like. It groups off of bags, in to about 1.5 inches / 10 shots at 25 yards and I'd like to improve that capability.


MP's and similar front loading autos - out
Hammerli 208, 212, 215 - Not willing to hunt for parts. Not viewed in my opinion as having a sustainable spare parts base looking out some years.
IZH - see above
41's - fits well, need input
High Standard - fits well (1911 style), need input.
Hammerli xesse - have not handled. Accuracy??
AW-93 - probably don't need input. Speaks for itself but still have never found posts or pictures showing/describing its true accuracy potential off bags.

Last edited by inthebeech on Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by CR10X »

First, you probably need to reconsider some of your preconceptions and others may be ok.

You will find no shortage of parts or support for the Hammerli pistols. They work, have support and available gunsmiths.

You will probably find no shortage of breakage for the IZH although others seem to be happy.

You will probably find lots of High Standards and some (few) will be ok and other will give you a continuing lesson in magazine tuning. This is either due to age of the good ones or quality of the new ones and just luck of the draw for magazines.

Model 41's abound, but are getting up in price on the used market. Shoot it first before buying or just get a clark barrel if you are shooting a dot.

High standards seem to group well, but feeding is generally an issue; conversely 41 tend to feed ok but accuracy is sometimes an issue. Both guns can have feeding or trapping issues.

If you are shooting .45 as well or plan to, you might look at a conversion.

Generally, you'll probably go through 2 to 4 .22's before you get that Master card and find out which one you really like.

Have fun and just decide if you want to be a shooter or a gunsmith when buying a .22! :-))
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by Isabel1130 »

inthebeech wrote:Since the Benelli MP that I was about to get until I found out that it is an assault weapon, I am looking for input on a step up weapon for 22 stage of Conv. Pistol.
My Buckmark, at the point where I am occasionally turning in Ex and M strings, is giving away more points than I'd like. It groups off of bags, in to about 1.5 inches / 10 shots at 25 yards and I'd like to improve that capability.

AW-93 - probably don't need input. Speaks for itself but still have never found its true accuracy potential off bags.

I am seriously confused by this statement. If you aren't getting half inch accuracy with an AW-93, you either have horrible ammo, or a bad barrel.
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Jerry Keefer
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by Jerry Keefer »

CR10X wrote: You will probably find no shortage of breakage for the IZH although others seem to be happy.
I have only worked on one of these.. One of the PD shooters shot one for several years.. The gun was not too bad for him, ergonomically.. He shot it well and liked the trigger. The problem I had with it was, the quality of the parts, finish and heat treatment being very poor. The bolt face / breechface design stressed that area, and would deform, causing slam fires. The bolt face required machining on several occasions.
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Ed Hall
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by Ed Hall »

I expect to support the Hammerli line for quite some time. He also has brand new Hammerli Xesse pistols in stock.
mr alexander
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by mr alexander »


Bought a new Model 41 in 1998. With a 5 1/2" factory barrel, one piece Weaver rail and an UltraDot mounted on it, the

whole set-up was too heavy and too tiring for Bullseye. Trigger out of the box was only fair on mine. Sent it off to Clark

Custom Guns. They installed their 5 1/2" Bullseye Optic Barrel, adjusted 6 magazines, tuned the extractor and did a trigger

job on it. Far more manageable now, due to a bit less weight and better balance. Also, it now has an excellent trigger.

Very accurate, very reliable. Yet, despite all of this, I still shoot better scores with my 1977 vintage High Standard Victor!!!

So, the 41 is now a back-up gun. Agree that magazine tuning can be an issue with the High Standards. Stay away from

aftermarket mags. Once adjusted properly, the factory ones have worked well for me. Older Connecticut-made High

Standards were of far better quality than the newer ones now coming out of Texas. If you do not want a 41 or a High

Standard, have you considered a customized Ruger MK II? Clark and Volquartsen both offer replacement triggers, along

with true match grade barrels. Different grips are available for them from various firms. One shooter in our league went

the Ruger route and he shoots exceptionally well with his set-up. Have heard that the newer Ruger MK III's are overly

complicated due to the changes made in their fire control mechanisms. These pistol are a real pain to field strip for

cleaning. Would think a custom Ruger MK II would be superior to your Buckmark. Don't know if anyone offers match

barrels for the Brownings. Too bad about the limited options you face due to New York's law. The only other thing to face

is something that all of us do run into-that's the amount of money we have to spend on a new pistol.
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by CR10X »

Yep, some people have trouble stripping and reassembling Mark whatever Rugers. Once you learn how to manipulate the hammer and strut; its 15 seconds, tops.

On the other hand, I get a lot fun doing it so fast they can't tell what happened, especially when the gun store clerk has just spent 20 minutes trying to get it back together.

Again, and as with most gun related things. Its separating what actually so, from what people say is so. Take your time, talk to everyone, try out everything you can, ask more questions and have fun as you go. Get what feels good to you.

Don't waste time worrying too much and a decent Buckmark can get you Master scores. Generally speaking a better (actually newer) gun doesn't shoot that much better, it just give us an incentive and makes us work harder to catch up with what we think its capable of.
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by Mark7 »

get SW Model 41 from the 70s-80s
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by Leon »

"Since the Benelli MP that I was about to get until I found out that it is an assault weapon"

And I thought Australian gun laws were weird...
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Re: New York Compliant options for upgrade

Post by JamesHH »

You think thats bad, in New Zealand any firearm which can accept a magazine with a capacity of greater than 5 rounds is now a 'Military Style Semi-Automatic'
Excludes .22LR, but that basically means any centrefire firearm with a detachable magazine.
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