Anschutz 64 trigger

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Anschutz 64 trigger

Post by Gunter »

Hi all,

a friend in the club has asked me to have a look at his 64 trigger, as he thinks it's not good enough for BR.
It is grotty! - about 4-5 lbs weight

Can't find much on the net - I don't know the exact model, but it's an old one
Huge scope on it, so I can't read whatever is written on the barrel apart from Anschutz.

Can this trigger be adjusted once the action is out of the stock?
In the stock there is NO adjustment screw to be seen anywhere.

I copied the serial no. - 932759

A clean might help a bit - shall have a look at it for him - but always good to have some input from
people who might have done this before.

best regards
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Re: Anschutz 64 trigger

Post by Anschutz »

I do not own a 64, but do know that Anschutz North America (Trussville, Alabama), offers a "64 Bolt Tuning Service." Go to their website and click on
"Custom Shop Parts & Accessories."
Tim S
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Re: Anschutz 64 trigger

Post by Tim S »


How old is the 64, and is a sporter or a target? Depending on the age it could be a 5098 two stage, a 5094, or a 5056/7. Recent 64 target models, like the 1903, should have the 5098 two stage. This has the same silver blade as your M54 should adjust well under 4-5lb, maybe under 1lb. At the other end a 1960s rifle is likely to have a 5056/7. These are pretty simple, and have little adjustment. The screws are all hidden under the stock.
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Re: Anschutz 64 trigger

Post by Gunter »

thanks Tim

it's a sporter - likely 1960s
so, at least there is some adjustment once it's out of the stock.
Its a simplw trigger, certainly nothing near a 5098.
That's all I wanted to know.

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Re: Anschutz 64 trigger

Post by Gunter »

Hi all,

took his action out today at the range - probably a 1403 model - at least that's what the Anschutz schematic
tells me, looking at this particular trigger. Must be from the 60's.

Anyway, managed to get this thing from a perceived 5lbs or more down to approx 4-5oz! by simply changing a spring.
EDIT - I meant 8 - 10oz! - having problems converting real money to oz! - hehe

The bugger shot a straight 98 with it on 50m! hehe
His normal score was between 80 and 90 until now.

Anyone shooting a VERY old Anschutz 64 and wants a lighter trigger - send me a pm and I'll tell you how to do it.

Disclaimer: this should only be done to a rifle used from a bench!
for any other type of shooting, incl hunting or even position, this triggerweight might be much too low and
might result in unexpected let-offs! which could be dangerous!
If I do give give advice on this special BR thread, the above needs to be understood and agreed to!
You do any changes to your trigger at your own risk and responsibility!
(I do not need a court case or be sued for anything! by giving advice to BR shooters - hehe)

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