Feinwerkbau aw93

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Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by Froneck »

Anyone familiar with the aw93? I'm having issues with mine!
David M
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Re: Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by David M »

Which common problem, feed/ejection (tight chamber) or trigger setting ?
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Re: Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by Froneck »

Feed and ejection, I fixed the trigger setting problem so I can adjust my trigger as desired though I might upgrade the change some day but works now. Not tight chamber, almost all .22 ammo will fall in and out. I have been using SK ammo Std., Match, Match Special and Rifle Match. Noticed the problem a while ago when I forgot my ammo for weekly club practice match and a friend gave me a box of CCI std. vel.. While shooting I noticed a slight decrease in recoil on some shots and when scoring seen the same number of low hits. Thinking it was ammo but soon noticed the same with just about all top shelf ammo! Also thinking it might have been ammo especially when it was purchased when the ammo shortage happened thinking the makers were dumping their junk! But continued until after shooting 3 weekly practice matches I started having jam problems. Usually is was the ejected round was not ejected and stripped from the ejector and the next round holding the slide back as the bullet nose was under the brass half way out of the chamber. Gun came with 2 mags and I purchased 2 more but both sets were marked with fingernail polish. One of the added mags never worked right but I want's concerned a the other one did and was used for alibis so I didn't have to load another mag.
With the slide removed, loaded mag inserted in the pistol I manually attempted to chamber a round and found the rim of the case was stopped by the mag lips near the chamber. A little pressure and it chambered but when removing I seen that it was again stopped by the lips. I removed the spring from the hammer not wanting any accidents, replaced the slide. Again inserting a Mag with 2 rounds and letting the slide return from the locked back position a round was chambered but when removing the chambered round was stopped by the lips, stripped from the ejector, crating the same problem I had when shooting. When slowly allowing the slide to chamber a round it was stopped when the case rim hit the lips. Took considerable amount of added hand force to push the slide closed due to the rim being held by the recess in the slide face but when ejecting was stripped from ejector. I filed the lips so that the rim would clear, might be .001" clearance if that. Mag worked as it did a while ago, test fired it and functioned normally so I "fixed" all the mags. Shooting again at weekly practice I didn't have the light recoil nor low hits and no jams.
My question is why?? Will it happen again?? I can't understand why mags that worked well for quite a while were too high! One suspect is I noticed the mag catch on the bottom is wedge shaped so that it constantly applies upward force. When mag is inserted there is no play, up/down movement of any kind with slide open. It that correct? Oh I might add I also removed the little spring from the recoil compensater assembly, did help lock back as it didn't work well and may have allowed the slide to close better and that might have helped the lower recoil/velocity issue. I replaced the spring on the aluminum forearm with a lighter one but didn't test it yet plus I intend to lower the spring pressure in the compensater assembly and increase recoil spring pressure.
David M
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Re: Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by David M »

The AW93 is a European pistol with a tight chamber.
The .22lr has two spec's, there is a European spec and an American spec. The American spec is slightly bigger in diameter.
Hence a European pistol you should use a good European ammo.
Using CCi I expect feed and eject problems.

The fix is to open up the chamber a little, ideally would be to run a American Match grade chambering reamer into the barrel.
I have done this to Morini and Hammerli to solve feed and chamber problem’s.
Unfortunately the Frame/barrel does not allow you to use a reamer without removing the barrel (difficult).
But I have used a mandrel with 1200/1800 wet/dry and lapped the chamber through the cleaning hole in the back of the frame.
Finishing off with a metal polish. The lapped chamber now feed fully all ammo and solved the problems.
It takes time and care, do not go too far forward to the lead in on the barrel.
I have done half a dozen AW93 like this and it worked on all of them.
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Re: Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by Froneck »

Well I have a complete machine shop and can open the chamber but I was using European Ammo. CCI did feed OK and gun was working with RWS and SK ammo then started having problems. I don't want to open the chamber, smaller the better for accuracy. Trimming the lips solved the problem. However I'm wondering if the mag catch that is wedge shaped should be straight.The Russian that AW purchased and remade does have a straight latch.
Who is the best parts supplier for the AW?
j danielsson
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Re: Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by j danielsson »

The magazines does not go further up than the ejector allows, and that is not to far for proper function. If you drill and tap a M3 hole in the plastic bottom and let a screw fill the gap against the gripframe it becomes a little adjustable. As a bonus you don't wear out the rear left magazine lip.
Reading your story makes me think of your extractorclaw.
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Re: Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by Fotomaniac »

Before you do ANYTHING you might want to contact George Brenzovich and talk to him, or his gunsmith Todd who is an expert on the AW 93. FWIW mine has been nothing but flawless with practically all Ammo, including CCI.
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Re: Feinwerkbau aw93

Post by -TT- »

Fotomaniac wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:53 pm Before you do ANYTHING you might want to contact George Brenzovich and talk to him, or his gunsmith Todd who is an expert on the AW 93.
Both of whom are set up at Camp Perry until August 8, btw. When you do, I suggest phoning them, their web page email function appears to deliver to a black hole, but I got my questions answered at Perry.
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