Electronic targets and lighting

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Electronic targets and lighting

Post by prowling »

I just shot in the South Carolina AP Sectional match at the Citadel yesterday, and it was my first time shooting a full match on an electronic target system. I believe it is a MegaLink operation, definitely not SIUS ...

Anywho, I was REALLY glad that I had the clip-on iris shutter for my shooting glasses. I am used to shooting with it fully open on my home range with standard incandescent lighting on a paper target. I found the LED lighting extremely “blue” in the color spectrum, and it was a bit overwhelming compared to the warm lighting on the old cream tag board Edelmann targets I use.

Wondering if there is an ISSF regulation regarding light spectrum as well as lux ...
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Re: Electronic targets and lighting

Post by PaulB »

From ISSF General Technical Rules

6.4.14 Indoor Range Light Requirements (Lux)

Type of Range; General Recommended Min.; Target Lighting Min.; Recommended

10m; 500; 1500; >1800
25m; 500; 1500; >2500
50m; 500; 1500; >3000

Finals Ranges must have a minimum general lighting of 500 lux and minimum of
1000 lux on the firing line. For new ranges lighting of about 1500 lux on the firing
line is recommended. All indoor ranges must have artificial illumination providing the necessary amount
of light without glare or distracting shadows on the targets or firing points. The
background area behind the targets must be a non-reflecting, light even neutral
color. Measuring target illumination on targets with external lighting must be done with
the measuring device held at the level of the target and pointed toward the firing
point (A). Measuring target illumination on targets with internal lighting must be
done by measuring reflected light from the target face. Measuring general range illumination must be done with the measuring device
held at the firing point (B1) and midway between the firing point and the target
line (B2) with the device directed toward the ceiling illumination.
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Re: Electronic targets and lighting

Post by thirdwheel »

Yes those LED lit targets are bit of a shock the first time you come across them as the LED's are nearer 6000K (wavelength) and approaching daylight frequency and are superbly bright on the mega link. We replace our lighting at our club with LED strip lights for target illumination to get us used to it and you do. Once you adjust you will find the old type of lighting feels like candles, you need good lighting in the range too or the targets feel just too bright which was the problem we encountered the first time we shot on the mega link system. I have heard tell that you can turn down the brightness but that may not to be the case.
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