Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

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Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by seamaster »

For the past few weeks, I changed my grip from resting thumb on thumb shelf, no pressure just resting there, to Jin JongOh grip .

Thumb is pronouncedly down, with a light, no side pressure hook.

I was taught while shooting revolver, thumb down is a non-preferred grip. So over the years, my thumb is just the conventional air pistol grip, loose no pressure on the thumb shelf.

Recently, on the sagacious recommendation of one of our TT high shooter, I switched to that Jin JongOh grip.

Instantly I am shooting much more precisely, much less fine wobble at the very last split second of shot break.

Just out of curiosity, how many of you shoots with his grip?
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by Ricardo »

I tried it briefly a couple of years ago but felt I couldn't keep a consistent downwards pressure so I stopped. Now my curiosity is back.
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by seamaster »

Thumb hook is downward, but no contact pressure.

The whole grip is actually very loose, yet holding pistol more solidly then the front-web space-palm shelf back three point vise grip.

But most important of all, I feel the very last split second of shot break is a bit more stable.
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by atomicgale »

Two Russians walk into a bar in Chernobyl . . .

One of 'em orders a "Jin Jong-Oh's Grip"

Bartender asks 'Glass or bottle?'

Russian responds 'How do I hold it?'

Bartender: 'Just drink it.'
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by seamaster »

Didn’t Nestruev sneer that young Russian shooters just shoot, shoot, shoot, and bartender just drink, drink, drink, now a day?

Mikhail is s fine man.
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by Azmodan »

i've been increasing lately the strength of my grip (and so also the thumb pressure) and my stability (and scores) have improved
they way i see it, the strength of the grip is correlated with wrist lock. i don;t see how you could lock the wrist without gripping tightly
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by AJV »

It seems to me that the key is to do a compromise.
For me, sometimes, it's useful to stop and try to understand what is going on. What am i doing wrong and then try to establish strategies /exercises to improve that aspect.
But i also consider that i can't be changing everything every week /month. Some stability is fundamental to allow muscular learning.
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by AJV »

Azmodan wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 1:45 am i've been increasing lately the strength of my grip (and so also the thumb pressure) and my stability (and scores) have improved
they way i see it, the strength of the grip is correlated with wrist lock. i don;t see how you could lock the wrist without gripping tightly
I guess it is different for each one of us.
I feel i can block my wrist without a strong grip (of course i'm not a great shooter...). Many times my thumb is completely loosely on the grip (in AP). It seems that the biggest force is just the weight of the pistol on my hand.
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Re: Jin Jong-Oh’s grip

Post by Azmodan »

off topic: speaking of Jin, where is he? he did not participate in any 2019 international events...
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