50 Meter ISSF Shooting

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50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by rkittine »

I have down loaded the rules etc., but I am confused. I saw a thread about how to shoot 60 rounds in 75 minutes. I was under the impression that in 50m free pistol you had 2 hours, 120 minutes to shoot 60 rounds for score. Still somewhat confused about the number of targets and during and pre-shooting sighters, but is it now 1 hour 15 minutes (75 minutes) or still 2 hours? I see that at some point it was 16 hours and might have even been over days.

Is this shot inside or normally outdoors? Is their a requirement as to which? Shooting Benchrest rifle I understand how much wind comes into play. I have a range that I can shoot 50 meters indoors, but in most places I shoot that would have to be outdoors.

I am the Skeet Coordinator at my local club and could become the Free Pistol Coordinator, but I need to know more to get that involved.

Reading the ISSF Rules there is a lot about 25m but very little I could find on 50m. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by JonPersson »

I believe the current rules for 50m pistol allows 1h 30 min for 60 shots, if EST is used.

When shooting on paper targets the limit is 1h 45 min.

Preparation time and sighters is shot before the match starts and you have 15 min at your disposal.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by Azmodan »

http://fptiro.pt/wp-content/uploads/201 ... 1Jan18.pdf
this is the latest complete rulebook. now on the issf site https://www.issf-sports.org/theissf/rul ... tions.ashx, it was split in parts.

time is 1 hour 30 mins with electronic target. 1 hour 45 minutes without electronic target

10m range must be indoor. 25,50 and 300m ranges can be outdoor (rule
Airpistol: Feinwerkbau P8X
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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by rkittine »

Thanks - I do some 200 Yard .22 RF Benchrest Shooting, but certainly not 300 meters or with a pistol.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by Tim S »

rkittine wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:19 am Thanks - I do some 200 Yard .22 RF Benchrest Shooting, but certainly not 300 meters or with a pistol.


300m is CF rifle. The 0.22RF rifle matches have been 50m only for decades, since the 1950s for Prone.
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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by rkittine »

I did not realize that was what it was referring to. I shoot 300 yard bench rest with a 30BR.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by CA Bullseye »


When I first saw your posting I found it interesting. But because I've have been living as a hermit, due to COVID, I have come down from the hills and have some time to post. First I commend you for marching forward and promoting the shooting sports in Manhattan, New York. But your first comment stated you "...could become the Free Pistol Coordinator,..." Why? Sorry, please don't take this personal and sorry about my bluntness. But "50m Pistol" as an Olympic sport is a dead event. Or have I missed something living in the backwoods out west, did ISSF bring back the event? If so I stand corrected, carry on. Disregard my following comments.

Now don't get me wrong, I commend you for promoting the shooting sports. Our sport needs more people like you who are willing to learn and understand the rules. From my stand point most of the shooting I do today is with my Morini CM84E and look forward to shooting the NRA Sectional each year. I enjoy shooting 50', 50 yds and 50m with my paperweight.

But you did post this on the "Olympic Pistol" so I ask, are you organizing a group to follow the Olympic path? Or is it a group of shooting buds that get together once a week to have some fun? The later is great, have fun and enjoy. But if it's to follow the Olympic path and if your organizing a group of Jr's, why not consider 10m Pistol? As a coach, if you are interested in going in this direction please do not hesitate to call on me.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by joel »

50m pistol (Free Pistol) is still shot at international levels, just not an Olympic event.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by CA Bullseye »


Yes, however in the USA, USA Shooting will only sponsor an athlete to shoot the 50m Pistol, at the ISSF World Championships every four years. The selection for that is as a dual event. If you win the quota at the 10m Men's Air Pistol selection you can also shoot the 50m Pistol event. My understanding there is not a separate selection for 50m Pistol, same as Standard Pistol, and Centerfire. USA Shooting is centered around current Olympic events. Even though USA Shooting has kept it on the schedule for the Nationals. Which is a good thing.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by rkittine »

As I am new to this forum, I posted in the Olympic Forum area because I thought that was where this might be appropriate. My apologies for putting it in the wrong area.

I doubt that I will ever compete in any pistol sports beyond the Club Shoot Level. I belong to three private clubs that have a reasonably small base of members. What we do however is get members to become active in Promoting Different Areas. Out of 1,000 members in my home club, myself and one other guy are the only registered skeet shooters. I am however the Skeet Coordinator and we run friendly skeet shoots, that are not registered or sanctioned. One club I belong to have an active Bullseye League and I will be shooting in that starting in September, but my home club, though we have indoor and outdoor pistol ranges (Up to 25 yards indoor and 100 yards outdoor) we don't really have any competition going on. But some guys to to the silhouette range and shoot pistols and many have purchased Free Pistols because they liked them, but again no one is shooting any kind of organized anything at 50 yards or 25 yards for that matter. So what I meant, is I could become the Free Pistol Coordinator and get free pistol included in any one of your club shoots or all by itself.

Same thing with the rifle guys. I shoot 1,000 yard at Williamsport PA and 100/200/300 in New Jersey but only practice at my home clunb. The Benchrest Coordinator is putting together a club shoot for 50/100 and 200 Rim Fire and 100 / 200 Centerfire.

Most of our club shoots run for a day. Breakfast is served in the morning, sh0oo something, then lunch, shoot something else, than dinner and shoot something. On Shotgun day it is 50 targets of Skeet, 50 of Trap and 50 or Five Stand. Everyone gets a tee shirt and winners go on the plaque board for the event, but no prizes. All for $20.00 as the club subsidizes it.

So maybe we can do some mix of Pistol events. I am sure that there will be guys (and gals) shooting single shot with their model 17 K-22 Smiths etc. but it is all for fun.

We even have a Thompson Contender Group that under strict safety rules shoot full rounds of skeet including doubles with two Contenders with .410 barrels installed. Scores stink, but it is a hoot.

For the few that have serious Free Pistols, I want to know the rules to run a Club Shoot only.

We let Donald Junior join a few months ago, so now we have to contend with the Secret Service. Funny to watch them as we all walk around Little Donald with guns. Daddy has only showed up once.

Last edited by rkittine on Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by CA Bullseye »


No need to apology. Again I commend you for promoting the shooting sports and doing what you do. Sound like you have a wonderful shooting community. Thanks for the reply. All the best.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by rkittine »

It is an interesting area. The local population is pretty much conservative, but the summer group (now year round with the virus) is predominantly left leaning. There are 20,000 signatures on a petition to close the gun club, but since we give access to all the local police departments as well as two Coast Guard stations, the township that owns the land is not about to shut us down.

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Re: 50 Meter ISSF Shooting

Post by gimgim »

> There are 20,000 signatures on a petition to close the gun club

The place where I go (https://www.sccgov.org/sites/parks/park ... -Park.aspx) has recently reopened with a few rules in place.
It's *by far* one of the the safest public places in the area (Bay Area).
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