US vs European Izh-35M Differences?

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US vs European Izh-35M Differences?

Post by sparky »

I’m trying to get left handed grips for my US Izh-35M. I thought the only differences that would matter in regard to grips were the side button mag release and manual safety on the left side.
I understand that the US version also has a grip safety, but I didn’t think the dimensions at the rear of the frame were any different. (True?)
My plan was to simply convert the mag release to the European-style bottom release and relieve the top left side of the grip for the manual safety. Are there any other differences that would matter regarding fitting a set of Euro-spec lefty grips to my US-spec Izh-35M?
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Re: US vs European Izh-35M Differences?

Post by JamesH »

As far as I remember the grip safety was cut out of the frame so effectively its symmetric
I think Aus got a mix of US and Euro guns
Most people in Aus pinned the grip safety in place.

You can fit a heel release for the magazine, I made an extended one

The sliding mount for the grip heel rest is machined into the right side of the frame, if you want one on the other side it would need to be built into the grip.

Manual safety - can't remember

Rink make grips, not sure what lateral safety means ... 400&p2=255 ... 400&p2=255
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