What gun do you most regret parting with?

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What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by william »

There are a few I'd like to have back given the chance, but the one that stands out is my Python. It was in perfect condition except for a slight drag ring around the cylinder, had an E serial number, 4" barrel. So far nothing special - except for an Elliason rear sight and a Don Tedford action job. What an amazing piece! It had the smoothest, double action trigger pull I've ever experienced with absolutely no indication at all when it was going to let off.

I wanted to get more serious about center fire bullseye competition, so I swapped it for an S&W Model 52. If I knew then what I know now I would have bitten the bullet to pay cash for the 52 and keep the Python. Oh, well! The foolishness of youth!

If I can have a runner-up, it would be my Springfield 1922 Mk2, but that's another story.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by fc60 »


I do miss the S&W Model 41 with the 5 1/2" barrel and extendible front sight. Forgot who got that one.


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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by dulcmr-man »

For me it was a Whitney Wolverine that I sold to buy a Ruger Mk I with a factory muzzle brake. I later disposed of that gun as well although I cannot remember the circumstances. These memories prevented me from selling my Ruger Mk III at our most recent club swap meet, even though I hardly every shoot it. Lately I've been switching between my S&W Model 41 and a Ruger Mk IV with some after market fire control parts in it.

To avoid saddling my heirs with the chore of disposing of my "babies", I have created an inventory using an Excel spreadsheet. It contains all pertinent data about purchase prices, serial numbers, descriptions, and best guess at current prices, along with instructions for some of them to be passed to my heirs, while others will be sold on consignment by a man whom I trust at a local gun shop. I've also included all of my accessories, ammo, etc., so that my wife will not be left in the lurch.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by m1963 »

Interesting question!

I do not have any particular one I miss, or regret selling.

I do have a love/hate relationship with the IZH-46 series pistols. I have bought and sold two, and now have a third. It always seems there is something fiddly about them- grips rocking, rear sights not properly installed, etc. I always fix them to better than new, before moving them on. Perhaps it is the elemental aspect of the pistol,.. Who knows.

I have a similar love/hate relationship with Contax Cameras, and the Ukraine/USSR copy- the Kiev 4A. Simply fun to shoot photos with, but they can be a bear to use at times.

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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by spektr »

I really really wish I had my Daisy 94 back..... My dad bought it for me in 6th grade. It was a cheap spring cowboy levergun, and to me it was made of gold..... I miss our time together........
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by JamesH »

Browning Hi Power MkIII, probably the pinnacle of Hi-Powers

First time out I shot 5 tens/5 one handed at 25m on an ISSF target, never did it again obviously.

It was handed in in the UK buyback.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by Tavishwm »

I sold my sons first 22 rifle, CZ452 Scout, to buy him an Anschutz. Regretted it so much that 2 years later I paid more than I sold it for to get it back. Luckily the person I sold it to was willing to trade it for a new version of the same rifle.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by David M »

Hammerli P240, pistol and three barrel kit.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by rgibson »

Paladin M109, self-propelled howitzer. It was a true 1/2 moa (minute of acre) gun.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by renzo »

My MTs-55-1. I parted with it when I quit shooting for a while, and on returning to the sport, never was able to talk the buyer into reselling back!!!
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by Egon12 »

For me it was a Walther PP in .32ACP. First year production but did have a reblue sometime in the past few decades. For me I ran it of space in the safe and I did not shoot it that much. Not a week goes by that I regret selling it. Almost always scope out used one on gunbroker but have never bid on another one. One day I will find a replacement, until then I will live with my remorse and stupidity.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by bdutton »

Sig P229 (9mm) and Colt Officers Model 22lr revolver (nickel plated) with 6 inch barrel in trade for a High Standard Supermatic Trophy inch fluted.

I shot two 299's with the HS but really missed the Colt .22lr being in my collection. I also really miss the 9mm Sig. It was a nice gun too.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by BobGee »

Not a question I can answer as I have yet to bring myself to sell any of my firearms!

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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by JamesH »

I did sell a mint K38 with one previous owner.
It was the right decision as I'd moved onto a .32 for CF and it was only going to get hammered in service pistol which would have been a travesty.

I bought an old M19 to replace it, then the seller won the powerball and wanted it back but I told him no because he was a dick.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by renzo »

JamesH wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 5:17 am I bought an old M19 to replace it, then the seller won the powerball and wanted it back but I told him no because he was a dick.
See? People like you are those who make us impulse sellers so pitiful.

The law should contemplate a time period during which any one of us, realizing our mistake, could have the mandatory right to buy back guns idiotically sold!!!!!
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by william »

renzo wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 12:17 pm The law should contemplate a time period during which any one of us, realizing our mistake, could have the mandatory right to buy back guns idiotically sold!!!!!
Beg to differ. If we act like idiots (and don't we all from time to time), we deserve no mercy and no do-overs.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by Ricardo »

I sold a lovely Makarov in stainless steel with adjustable rear sight. Hated the recoil, but now I regret having sold it. Fits in your pants pocket.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by renzo »

william wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 4:11 pm
renzo wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 12:17 pm The law should contemplate a time period during which any one of us, realizing our mistake, could have the mandatory right to buy back guns idiotically sold!!!!!
Beg to differ. If we act like idiots (and don't we all from time to time), we deserve no mercy and no do-overs.
Hat off to that!!!!!
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by brent375hh »

I sold a 2 -1/2" Diamondback for $165 to finance a Series 70 Government that was $275. What a bonehead move.
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Re: What gun do you most regret parting with?

Post by 6string »

What a wonderful topic!
Nice to hear about "fun" guns like the Whitney Wolverine, etc.

I'll just add this: don't sell any gun given to you by a loved one, be it a parent, spouse, etc., especially if you used it while spending shooting time with that same person. The remorse can't be undone.
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