gun choices for .22 target

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Re: gun choices for .22 target

Post by porkchop »

Tony and Rover, I like my Nelson conversion as I have stated, a friend and gunsmith built my lower on a Foster (Caspian blemish) it has a great 2 lb trigger. I had him put the ejector on also in case I'd like to make it into a 45 sometime in the future. I have both sight rails for it and tried shooting it in a Sectional this year both Standard and Free. Standard pistol wasn't my best and Free pistol suuuucckk real bad (my 1st time). For Bullseye it shoots great, irons or dot I like it best with CCI or Eley SVs. I've shot a better Standard pistol with the Victor with Herrets National Match grips and might splurge on some nice adjustable Rinks some day.
To the OP Owl, just my 2cents, stay with what you have for Bullseye many shooters have won with that pistol. Unless you are after a National Championship, get the best made and be able to shoot it. With your setup you won't be left sitting on the "porch" you'll be out there shooting with the rest of the "dogs" having fun.
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Re: gun choices for .22 target

Post by Troystat »

I have a model 41 and am happy with it. If you want lighter weight for that pistol you can track down one of their older 5 inch "field" barrel these really light the pistol up. Or you could get a Clark 5 inch barrel they are lighter as well.
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Re: gun choices for .22 target

Post by NukeMMC »

I have been shooting High Standard 106/107 Citations and Victors for about 40 years. Most recent setup is a Hamden 107 Victor with Fung grips and a Matchdot. Weighs 3lbs 6ozs. Once you get the magazines tuned CORRECTLY they are reliable and accurate. I don't care how good you are, if your pistol doesn't feed and fire when needed, it's accuracy means jack. Let's face it, most target pistols, whether HS, Ruger, M41, Pardini, GSP, FWB, Hammerli, Bennelli, MG yada yada yada ... have inherent accuracy to outshoot their owners most (95%+) of the time. Inaccuracies are predominantly operator error or operator level of comfort with pistol ergonomics. Malfunctions and ammo incompatibility with certain pistols is the true variable we have to weed out with any pistol.

I recently acquired an older Pardini SP with steel front and 4 weights. Swapped the steel weights for tungsten and put a Dick Horton grip with near-1911 angle. Weighs in at 3lbs with a 1" UltraDot. My slow fire isn't where it was with the Victor, yet, but the recoil recovery is such a marked improvement. Pistol is reliable and accurate. Only difference between it and the Victor is the recoil recovery. As I get older (58 now) that means more every day. Also just got a good deal on a near-new GSP Expert with 4 mags, 1" Ultradot and CC mount and 70g weight with 2 extra compensating weights. Needs better grips but the trigger adjusts quite a bit like the Pardini. Had a couple failure to fire with Eley Target, but CCI SV and Bullseye X function 100%.
The Pardini and GSP are well worth it TO ME. And ... you can get replacement springs, firing pins, buffer, etc that are getting harder to get for the Hammerli, Bennelli and FWBs.
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Re: gun choices for .22 target

Post by TonyT »

I shot my Pardini SP for many seasons before I finally exited the bullseye pistol game. Mine was fitted with a Don Nygord grip which fit like a glove.
My gun preferred the SKJagd or Wolf MT ammo and functioned flawlessly with those brands.
Previously I had used a Walther GSP bt as I aged the weight of the gun was a challenge. One the plus side the gun was totally reliable with all the brands of ammo I tried including CCI SV and Aguilla SE.
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Re: gun choices for .22 target

Post by NuJudge »

The made-in-1917 Colt frame my father brought home after WWII wears a Marvel conversion, and I shoot it as well as my Hi-Standard, GSP, or Nelson conversion. I don't have a Pardini.

Your wallet is your guide. If you can afford it, buy them all.
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