New LP50 Grips

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New LP50 Grips

Post by dulcmr-man »

I've had a Steyr LP50 for some time now and I've been practicing sustained fire with it. It came with a large anatomical grip that was too big for me. My purchase also included a 1911 grip to emulate my other target pistols. However, the 1911 grip that came with the gun was significantly heavier than I like, and the gun's balance didn't suit me. The length of pull was also a little long as I am missing the first joint of my right index finger.

Therefore, I talked with Andrew Berryhill of Precision Target Pistol Grips to see what he could do for me. Well, he came through in spades! My new grip arrived today, and it is awesome. It fits the gun perfectly, it's noticeably lighter than the metal one that came with the gun, and he somehow did some magic to reduce the length of pull, enabling me to get better trigger finger placement on the trigger.

If you are having grip issues, I recommend Andrew's work without reservation.
LP50 New Grips 2.jpg
Dennis, aka Dulcmrman
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