Prone & 3P the best (model)

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Prone & 3P the best (model)

Post by guest »

Which ANS. model is good for prone & 3p..thanks
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best for 3p & prone

Post by 1813benny »

My recommendation is to go with the free rifle or the lighter women's sport models (2013, 2012 if you like the square actions or the 1800 or 1900 series if you want to spend less or like the round actions).

I would not bother investing in just the "prone" model such as the 2011, especially if you are interested in position. By the time you get multiple butt plates and a palm rest, you will then have spent more than just getting those items with the sport or free rifle models.

Typically, the straight (i.e. "flat") stock is more comfortable in prone, more adaptable to different body types in position and consistantly gets your hand closer to the centerline of the bore. This yields better control of the rifle in all positions.

One thing to remember is that every individual is different and may prefer a different type of stock, such as the 1907.

If you have an opportunity to handle and/or shoot different models that will also aid you in your final decision.

-btw, where are you located?
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