Stick on 10M targets

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Tom Bowen
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Stick on 10M targets

Post by Tom Bowen »

What I am looking for and haven't been able to find are stick on air rifle targets. Even if it was just the black portion of the target I'd be happy. I use the Edelman's for air pistol and want to be able to put 4 targets on the back side so I can continue to use the same pellet trap.

I have looked through the archives and checked the web site of National Target without any success.

If anyone knows where I might be able to get these I'd sure hear about it.


Post by guest »

I have never seen stick on AR targets.
I have seen 4 bull printed targets that should fit your trap (sorry - I don't know the manufacturer, but try National and American)
You could also take a knife or scissors to some 10 bull ARtargets...
Good Luck
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Post by DonC »

Just the thing for you. You can by paper targets with a 10 meter pistol target printed on one side and a 5 bull 10 meter rifle target on the reverse. Buy at:
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What about a rubber stamp

Post by Bill177 »

I never really gave this much thought, but....

Computer printers are cranky things that don't like the thick paper we shoot at. Ink/laser toner is expensive. How about something really basic - right out of the 50s.

I wonder if you could get a rubber stamp made to any sort of precision? It wouldn't have to be perfect - just close for all those practice sessions.

Maybe I have only re-invented the wheel with this idea. Comments?
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Post by SteveT »

I investigated getting stickers made for NRA Bullseye, but quickly determined that it would cost more than I could buy the targets for. Something small like an air rifle target would be much cheaper.

I also looked into printing my own, or going to Kinkos (or similar) to copy targets and found that that would be more expensive than buying official targets.

Unfortunately I deleted all of the custom sticker links I found, but if you do a search for stickers and/or labels you will find many sites that will make a small run of custom labels. If they are small and single color, they are pretty cheap.

I really like the idea of a custom stamp. I have no idea what it would cost but it is a great idea.
Dan Hankins
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You might

Post by Dan Hankins »

You could get some of th eEdleman 5 bull 10 m rifle targets, and some cheap glue, like kids use in school. Then just glue the 5 bull Edleman target to one of the Edleman 10 m pistol targets. Takes seconds and glue is cheap, and targets cut clean.



Post by ghillieman »

I was brain storming last night for a better way to dry fire in the house using target dots that I make. I have been using a 3x5 card turned around, so there are no lines, and then drew a dot until it fit in my aperature. However, reproducing the same size a concetrictiy are difficult. I started discussing this with my wife on how to make dots of the right size and then be able to print them out. Then she came up with the idea of using sticky labels so that I didnt have to tape them to the wall. With a few minutes work in the paint program of my computer I was able to create the right sized dot, saved it, then moved it to Word Perfect 10 which has a program for all different types of labels. Center the dots then click print. As far as 10m targets, or any targets for that matter, you should be able to download the target on your computer then save the original. Then take it to an Art or Paint, or CAD if you have that and resize it if you need to. Then take it to Word Perfect 10, select the right labels, center your target, click print, and shoot away. This will take a fair amount of pushing buttons on your computer but it is well worth it to be able to take any target or dot that you want to and be able to stick and shoot. Be sure that you save the finished product so that you dont have to recreate it everytime. Good Luck, Dan.
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