Centrefire timing software for training

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Fortitudo Dei
Posts: 258
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Centrefire timing software for training

Post by Fortitudo Dei »

Does any one know of a downloadable software timer that could be used to recreate the centrefire duelling sequence using sound tones? I was thinking that if something like this could be run on a home computer it could be useful for dry-fire practice of the duelling sequence.

The complete sequence would be...

Press start button
Start beep - 7 second pause
Target faces beep - 3 second pause - target turns away beep - 7 second pause
Target faces beep - 3 second pause - target turns away beep - 7 second pause
Target faces beep - 3 second pause - target turns away beep - 7 second pause
Target faces beep - 3 second pause - target turns away beep - 7 second pause
Target faces beep - 3 second pause - target turns away beep
Sequence ends (total of 50 seconds)

Ideally there could be three different beep tones, but it wouldn’t be a big problem if a single tone was used. To be extra groovy, .wav recordings of targets turning instead of beeps would be pretty neat.
Anyone know how something like this could be created?
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