MG2 Struggler:

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MG2 problems

Post by Francesco »

Now that I am not the first talking about that, I must say that it is true. No Match Guns stand at Italian Championship. Anschütz was there with Norbert, a very good friend of me and Scott. He was driving with Anschütz bus for 8 hours to arrive in Milano and Match Guns that is 2 hours away not. I don't want to make any comments because it is not fair from my side. We was fixing Match Guns grips to the shooters only to let them feel a little better because normaly we don't fix SAM and Match Guns grips at all.
F. Paul in Denver

Post by F. Paul in Denver »

I'm gong to be in Lugano, Switzerland next week having lunch with a gentleman who has Cesare's ear. I will make sure to take a copy of this thread with me.

Cesare should have an opportunity to know what's happening and to make this right for his customers.

F. Paul in Denver
F. Paul in Denver

Post by F. Paul in Denver »

By the way - names of individuals who expressed opinions about MG in general will be redacted in the interest of privacy.

If anyone else wants to speak up - now is the time.

F. Paul in Denver
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Post by Matvei »

I just tried to go to Matchgun's website, and I was pointed to an Italian football and betting page in Palermo, Italy. Does this mean something? Matchgun still alive?
Ted Bell
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Post by Ted Bell »

Matvei wrote:I just tried to go to Matchgun's website, and I was pointed to an Italian football and betting page in Palermo, Italy. Does this mean something? Matchgun still alive?
Matchguns web address was probably hijacked. Happened to a friend of mine- all his web traffic was getting re-routed to an off-shore gambling site. I suspect Matchguns will find out and correct it by the end of the week.

Scott H.
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Post by Scott H. »

The Match Guns site is back up. Makes me happy. It's an excellent web site.
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Post by ColinC »

Obviously didn't stay up for long. I have tried a couple of times today and keep getting the message that page is unavailable.
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Re: site

Post by terrypchan »

Your ISP is having problems. This URL loads instantly for me: as well as:

MG-2 blowing cases !!!

Post by Bobby »

My MG2 have a nasty habit of blowing cases at discharge.
Seems the lower rear end of the chamber is beveled some.
Occasionally a case will rupture at this point, directing gases rearward. It is noted that recoil is reduced markedly when this occurs. Sometimes the slide is cycled fully by the reduced recoil, sometimes not.

The gun ic cleaned properly, and the reason for rupturing is NOT residue buildup at the barrelend-face/boltface, preventing the gun from closing fully.
Has any of you experienced this fenomenon with your MG 2s?
Ernie Rodriguez
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Post by Ernie Rodriguez »

Hey Bobby-First-is the pistol broken in??Mine took about 200/300 rounds-not too surprising.Second-the bulge(on empty shells) occurs because that portion of shell is unsupported and is in the area of the extractor.Third-wall thickness probably varies among different brands.Some brands display mimimum bulge.Forth-the bulge,of course,is caused by the pressure in cartridge and if the shell is ejected in a normal cycle,there is no problem.If however,there is a delay in the cycle,due to dirt,crud etc in the chamber or in the slide functioning-the shell is exposed to this pressure a little longer.Long enough to rupture the already weakened area at the base of shell.Thinner shells will rupture quicker than thicker shells.If the action is slowed down enough-even medium thickness shells will rupture.I found that if you clean your chamber after 50/100 shots and dis-assemble and clean pistol throughly after 400/600 shots you will go a long way to minimize problem.Also AVOID ammo that burns dirty and isolate brands that have a tendency to rupture easier than others when the pistol is fairly clean.Also some brands have a heavier coating of lubricant over the whole shell (Wolf) and it will dirty the chamber much quicker.I have found that once the pistol is broken in,and the ammo is selected for clean burn and accuracy-all that is needed is to keep the pistol clean and oiled.One last possibility-if soft ammo(sub vel)is used I suppose it will slow the cyclical action of pistol and possibly cause the same problem.Hope this info helps.Ernie.
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Ruptured cases in MG2

Post by Mike T. »

Do you get ruptured cases with more than one brand of ammunition?
A while ago, one of the threads here on TT discussed a high incidence of case rupture with one particular brand of ammo (might even have been restricted to a particular lot number).
I have not experienced such case failures with my MG2. I have shot CCI standard velocity, PMC Scoremaster, Federal 711, Federal 711B, Winchester T22, CIL/IVI Imperial Target, Lapua Standard Club, Eley LR Pistol, Eley Target Pistol, and Eley Pistol Xtra (this latter did not feed reliably, but that is another matter).
Kim, Denmark

Post by Kim, Denmark »

I've thought about buying a MG2, but after reading this thread im not so sure, is there some of you that have good experience whit the MG2.

I would like a quality gun with wery littel recoil, that will improve my rapid firering, can any one recommend another gun that is comparable with the MG2, perhaps the Feinwerkbau AW93, its the two guns i am familiar with. I have never tested any of them ( the MG2 and the AW93 ), sow i dont know how they perform under firering. Are there other guns that can be compared with these two? Would any of you recommend my buying the MG2?
Ernie Rodriguez
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MG-2 Info

Post by Ernie Rodriguez »

Kim-The MG-2 is an excellent pistol with some very good rapid fire qualities and a 1 year warrantee covering defects in materials,workmanship and functionality.However it is not a beginers pistol and it would be helpful if you were pretty familiar with pistols and trying different ammo in achieving excellent reliability.Once you find the best ammo for your pistol all you have to do is keep the pistol oiled and cleaned and you will find excellent functioning,superb accuracy and a great trigger.If you are not that knowledgeable or familiar with semi-autos another fine pistol is the Pardini SP new.Regards Ernie.
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Post by pilkguns »

Kim, there a lots of good choices on the new market, the Morini CM22, the Feinwerkbau AW93, Walthers GSPs and the Pardinis . Used I would look at any of the above plus things like the Hammerli 280s, 208 and 208s. I don't know what country you are in , but you need to have a gun that you have confidence in. This means something that is both reliable and can be serviced readily if you do have a problem. Unfortunately the MG2 fits neither of those categories on a consistent basis and as Ernie said is not a beginners gun. unless you have good gunsmithing experinence and are not afraid to make parts from scratch, I would not recommend this gun..

Let us know what you decide
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Post by sparky »

Kim, Denmark wrote:I've thought about buying a MG2, but after reading this thread im not so sure, is there some of you that have good experience whit the MG2.

I would like a quality gun with wery littel recoil, that will improve my rapid firering, can any one recommend another gun that is comparable with the MG2, perhaps the Feinwerkbau AW93, its the two guns i am familiar with. I have never tested any of them ( the MG2 and the AW93 ), sow i dont know how they perform under firering. Are there other guns that can be compared with these two? Would any of you recommend my buying the MG2?
Kim, after reading this thread, I don't know who in their right mind would still consider buying an MG2. I would highly recommend you look at other guns. FWIW, I would suggest a Pardini SP. Mine has had excellent reliability with all brands of ammo, from standard velocity target ammo to high velocity stuff that I shouldn't even be shooting in the gun. No malfunctions in 3,000 rounds, and I've cleaned it once.

trigger adjustment on MG2

Post by mcat »

Any advice on adjusting the trigger. Both times I have tried to tweak the trigger, using the procedure in the manual, the gun became non-functional, hammer wouldn't reset. I sent it back to Italy both times. Now it has a trigger pull of 1300gms, ugh, but I am afraid to touch it. Otherwise, I haven't had the problems described elsewhere on this forum. Of course I clean the gun every 200 rounds. It seems gunk can accumulate and cause mis (non) fires from light hammer hits.
Ernie Rodriguez
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MG-2 Trigger adj

Post by Ernie Rodriguez »

Mcat-DO NOT touch the sear adj screw in the back of frame.Take grip off and look at what that adj does.This is adj #2 in book-and is called release force travel adj.You can see if you turn it too far CW-there will be very little surface to set secondary release lever and the release lever.Now there are really only two other adj on the trigger which involve trigger pull.With pistol facing fwd-and upright, the adjustment on left side is the 1st stage adj. It is #3 in book,near is called dead force travel adj.CW makes trigger 1st stage heavier.With pistol facing fwd and upright-the other adj is called release force adj. #4 in book and is on right side.It is weight adj for 2nd stage.CW increases 2nd stage trigger pull.IF you MUST reduce trigger pull a little-you need a trigger pull gauge or another type of scale to measure trigger pull.Without these gauges-you can't really tell how much you are reducing or increasing the trigger pull.These adj are rather delicate and I would recommend going to a pistolsmith/gunsmith and with the book have him adj the two adjustment to set up your trigger pull.The total trigger pull should not go below 1000 gms.IF YOU ARE NOT MECHANICALLY TALENTED DO NOT TOUCH IT.Kind regards Ernie
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Kim, after reading this thread, I don't know who in their right mind would still consider buying an MG2. I would highly recommend you look at other guns. FWIW, I would suggest a Pardini SP. Mine has had excellent reliability with all brands of ammo, from standard velocity target ammo to high velocity stuff that I shouldn't even be shooting in the gun. No malfunctions in 3,000 rounds, and I've cleaned it once.
Have you tried shooting one Sparky, I have and I can easily see why people would buy one. It feels and shoots beautifully. Unfortunately it seems the reliablity just doesn't seem to be there, but this is true for lots of new items. It takes time to work out the bugs, and not all bugs can be worked out in pre-production testing. So hopefully in the future things change. If Matchguns was more responsive and had better customer service I don't think the problems would be that bad. So Matchguns step-up to the plate and start servicing your customers. Until I here better things about their customer service I will steer clear of them.
Ernie Rodriguez
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Matchgun Reliability

Post by Ernie Rodriguez »

Richard H. -You are correct in what you say.In my opinion, too many people buy cutting edge target pistols,have only a limited understanding of how to get the best out of them,don't maintain them properly,use just any old ammo they can find and complain about the pistol.Some are justified some are not.There are many people who form judgements on these pistols and haven't even seen/handled one.For those,with a little knowledge about these pistols,(regardless of brand)they will find when they balance the correct maintenance proceedures and brand of ammo,the pistol will operate fairly decently.Having no dealer to help you is another matter.If you have no dealer support,and limited pistol knowledge-you will have a problem.If you have a manufacture of pistol,who is customer friendly and will,as a last resort, supply you with technical help and hard to get parts-you can still enjoy a cutting edge pistol.The MG-2 pistol,did have some earlier teething problems.They seemed to have solved the problem and now it is relatively reliable.I suspect most pistols go through a break in period,an owner familiarization period and a correct ammo stage.My pistol is quite reliable with at least 7/8 brands of ammo.And there are others that are just as reliable.One last point I must agree with you-Matchgun Company must be more customer oriented.They must be more receptive to technical responses as dealers can't answer all of the questions.With the availability of email-there is NO EXCUSE for not responding to a legitimate technical question.Perhaps Matchgun company will change and then more people will have more confidence in their products.Ernie.

Post by Guest »

Why isn't it a beginners pistol by the way?
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