Well i have been practicing and decided tonight I would shoot the 20 shot AGI 20/20 match. For fun I post my first 10 shots that I took tonight.
No laughing please. My IZh-46M and I are getting along just fine. I shot a 162 out of 20 shots tonight and that includes the really lousy 4 I shot on the one target in the picture. Can we say mental error. Any way just thought i would post it for those of us who are starting out. I am having a lot of fun and the first 5 shots show my imporvements and the second 5 show where i need to improve. I have had the air pistol since christmas and I am still enjoying it.
For starters the important thing is how do YOU feel you shot. Who cares what others think? Shooting isn't a judged sport like figure skating. If you are asking for advice I'd be wary of anyone that would give any by just looking at a couple of targets. Set yourself some realistic goals, score based are not the best, try things like keeping them all in the black, or 8's or better, a certain number of tens out of a sixty shot match. As you progress and attain your goals your goals will progress (score will take care of itself). When practicing (training is better) focus on certain elements such as trigger control, focusing on the front sight, focus on grip, stance, attaining a NPA, following a shot routine, and aborting shots.
For starters the important thing is how do YOU feel you shot. Who cares what others think? Shooting isn't a judged sport like figure skating. If you are asking for advice I'd be wary of anyone that would give any by just looking at a couple of targets. Set yourself some realistic goals, score based are not the best, try things like keeping them all in the black, or 8's or better, a certain number of tens out of a sixty shot match. As you progress and attain your goals your goals will progress (score will take care of itself). When practicing (training is better) focus on certain elements such as trigger control, focusing on the front sight, focus on grip, stance, attaining a NPA, following a shot routine, and aborting shots.
Thanks for your comments. I didnt post this looking for critiques. Just posted it for fun and to show folks that we all dont shoot 580 and up on 60 shots. I am real happy with how I am shooting. I have a simple goal and that is to put 20 shots in the black consistently. If i dont hey thats ok. Its fun to shoot and that is what it is about for me. No one can critique a shooter based soley on looking at a target. You would have to be traing the shooter to be able to critique at all. Looking at positions, look at the mental side and so on. You aluded to that in your post. I also posted this cause i was happy with how I shot tonight. The number dont mean that much to me. I am enjoying shooting in the 20 shot postal every 2 weeks. and i watch what my score is but i am not worried about it. I shot 10m air and 3p smallbore in college and enjoyed it. Pistol is new to me and I am just having fun.
My other main goals are simple too. Find a comfy postion and hold. Secondly...focus on the right things when i am aiming...
Just out there enjoying and thought I would share the fun.
PS: hmmm judging this like figure skating...I can see it now and hear the commentary...Oh my...he just didnt follow through.....and he knows it too..you can just see it in his face....:)
Many people take a really fun game and turn it into work.
Stick with having a good time and enjoy yourself. As you gain experience and your technique improves your score will improve as well. The joy of shooting will still be there and you will also have a sense of accomplishment as you master a difficult skill.
That was my point in posting this. I am just having fun. When i used to shoot 10m air and 3p smallbore...it sometime became like work....Dont get me wrong I had a lot of fun doing that too...but too often i was measuring how i was doing and the fun by how high up the score sheet I was....Shoot tens but also shoot to have fun...
PS: I do wonder how many folks do shoot for fun vs making it work...or frustrating them selves.
Zilla wrote:PS: I do wonder how many folks do shoot for fun vs making it work...or frustrating them selves.
But it's so easy to get hooked.
Like many people, when I first started I thought it would be an enjoyable hobby, maybe once a week. Little did I know that within 3 months I would be training or competing 5-6 times a week, spending many thousands of pounds a year, and my next non-shooting related holiday would be more than 15 years away.
It starts out as fun , then you want to do it well . Next thing you know , you have two Styers and a Morini . Then you find yourself wearing wierd glasses . After that it all goes down from there .
In all seriousness , I always work some simple mindless fun into training and practice .
How many of you folks plink with your competition guns ?
Better question still... How many of you don't use your competition airguns to dispatch the odd mouse, rat, squirrel, etc?
I had a squirrel that simply would not give up on the idea of building its nest in my garage. If any of you have seen the damage a red squirrel can do, you'll understand why a squirrel in your garage is NOT a good thing!
One day the kids came roaring into the house, telling me they had seen the squirrel in the garage and had closed the door, effectively trapping it. I grabbed the trusty LP-1 and a few pellets and headed out to the garage, with all the kids rushing along behind me to see what would happen. Sure enough, Mr. Squirrel was perched on the track of the overhead door at the far side of the garage. I figured "what the heck" and loaded a pellet in the Steyr, took careful aim (keep in mind that I shoot a deep sub-6 hold on paper targets, so I was using a huge amount of Kentucky windage here), and squeezed off the shot. That poor squirrel never knew what hit him. And the kids were mightily impressed that I was able to nail a squirrel between the eyes with a pistol, with just one shot!
If you really want a break from "target" shooting, try using 10oz soup cans in the back yard at 20 yards range. Leave the labels on so you can call your shots. Bet ten cents on the first to hit inside the "C" in "Campbell's". Loads of fun, and no stress!
I have thought about building something similar to this project - all just for plinking fun in the back yard. Perhaps when summer comes this year.
Not everything with world class airguns has to be formal ringed targets. Plinking is really fun - and a good way to ease new comers into the world of airguns and eventual top level competition.
I recently found respite from bad scores by shooting AA batterieswith an IZH 46 M from 15 feet. For the first five shots I didn't miss with a sub six single hand hold. Then I missed every shot...so I switched to both hands Quell sorta stance. Every battery soon lay dead. Blew the smoke of the barrel, did an imaginary frontier roll and went off to work ;-).
Needless to say had a good day there too.
That was my point in posting this. I am just having fun. When i used to shoot 10m air and 3p smallbore...it sometime became like work....Dont get me wrong I had a lot of fun doing that too...but too often i was measuring how i was doing and the fun by how high up the score sheet I was....Shoot tens but also shoot to have fun...
PS: I do wonder how many folks do shoot for fun vs making it work...or frustrating them selves.
Shooting high scores is what's fun for me. Always trying to improve - lots of training, effort and matches - that's my definition of having fun.
My point is that "having fun" is something different for everyone. You are happy at your level, and I'm trying to improve my technique and scores - we are both having fun. Ok? :-)
Plinking ..yep I use mine for that....there is a coke can that has died many times in my back yard among other things. Never had any reason to dispatch a rat or squirel etc...but sure why not :)
Axel. Shooting for the moon and getitng better and better...nothing worng with that at all....like you said its all about whats fun for you. Just keep it fun :)
Shooting old batteries...now there is something for sure I never would have thought of trying....
I plan on taking mine to a field target match sometime. Field target has nothign to do with 10m shooting...but it is fun for plniking....I know the Izzy wont knock down the far targets...but it will be fun to try anyway.
Bill I saw that target system once before the saloon..i wonder what the metal chute on the back is for?? Do you actually shoot the bottles in the saloon and they fall in the tub in the back ?? That is a neat setup and a ton of fun I bet.