where to find pistol cases

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where to find pistol cases

Post by seemehaha »

i want to buy a hard lockable double pistol case. i have a walther lp 200 and a smith and wesson model 41 that i was to fit into one case. the problem is i haven't found one that would fit the length of my air pistol. does anyone have any suggestions for where i could start looking.
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Fred Mannis
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Re: where to find pistol cases

Post by Fred Mannis »

seemehaha wrote:i want to buy a hard lockable double pistol case. i have a walther lp 200 and a smith and wesson model 41 that i was to fit into one case. the problem is i haven't found one that would fit the length of my air pistol. does anyone have any suggestions for where i could start looking.
Try Pelican cases. My #1520 will carry two air pistols plus stuff. Some people prefer the Storm case.
Do a search of Olympic Pistol with keyword pelican
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Post by bubba_zenetti »

hows about a gun ho pistol box? they hold a few guns, your gear and a spotting scope. do a search for gun ho pistol box on google. maybe our host can get you one?
David Donley


Post by David Donley »

You can't beat the KK Air cases for protection. They aren't cheap, but if you plan to fly with guns, they are excellent. Haven't tried an air pistol in them, but Contenders with 10-in. barrels fit fine.

Try this link:

Mike M.
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Post by Mike M. »

I'll second the nomination for KK Air. Most of us on the USIMLT use them, and we travel all over the world. Excellent cases, and they are quite willing to do custom work to your specifications.
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Gun Cases

Post by Fabian »

Check out the Kalispel line, those are sold at Creedmore Sports. As someone else suggested, a pelican case is an excellent choice. I fit my TOZ 35 and my Airpistol on a Pelican 1550.
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Post by seemehaha »

i'm a rifle shooter and i've heard good things about both kk air and pelican. i actually started looking at pelican cases, but i'm not 100% on what demensions i would need. i don't need to carry any scope stand or equipment stuff cause that's in my other shooting box. thanks for the help. i really appreciate it.
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Pistol Cases

Post by Dennis »


Strong Cases

Post by randy8745 »

I have several KK Air cases and have liked the cases very much. Lately, I have been buying the Strong Cases and considering them just as good as the KK Air and in someways better. The Strong cases are slightly cheaper and they have customized serveral cases for me at a slightly cheaper price then KK Air. The number for Strong is 1-866-552-2273.
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Post by Sandy »

Since you do not need to carry other equipment other than the pistols, I recommend the Pelican 1490 case. It was designed for a laptop computer and is not as deep as most of the other cases. It is shaped like a briefcase and has two locks built-in and also has provisions for two more small padlocks. Pelican has a lifetime warrantee on all of their cases. They replaced two of my cases, with no questions asked, that had damaged latches after years of very hard use/abuse with many, many miles on them.
My Steyr LP10 fits perfectly in the 1490 and there will be more than enough room for your other pistol and some other equipment also. Get the case with just the foam. Do not use pluck and pick foam.
I have, at one time or another, used Pelican, Storm, Doscosil, KK Air and other cases extensively. Except for the Doscosil, they are all good, useable cases. For your needs the Pelican 1490 is probably ideal. Send me your email and I will send you photo of the interior of my case.
Sandy tenx@san.rr.com
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Post by Slo cat »

I already have two pistol cases, a bullseye model I made myself out of walnut, and an aluminum case I set up for international pistol that will hold my five ISSF guns.

I have been reading this topic with interest because I need an airline case, i.e., something that a bagage gorilla can not damage. This is for my Pilkington Germany tour. It will need to be 17 inches long to hold my TOZ 35M, as well as be otherwise big enough to also hold my Steyr LP-10, Pardini SPE and my FWB-AW93 (root beer gun).

I have been shopping eBay intensively for the last two weeks, looking for a really cheap Pelican, SKB, Strong, etc., used case. I have been bidding on junky looking used cases, and found to my surprise that they have been selling in the $40-$50 range, without foam, usually with $20-$35 shipping.

Well, I finally found what I consider to be a good deal on a brand new Pelican 1550 case, with 18 15/16" x 14 7/16" x 7 3/4" internal dimensions. I would have preferred a Pelican 1490, as Sandy recommended, but I could not find a good deal on this one. I made an offer of $50 plus $20.50 shipping and ins., but with no foam. The guy selling these said he has 140 of these cases. I just want to pass this along in case anyone else is interested in such a case. See http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0028625648

Now that I have spelled all this out, I'm sure someone will now post where I could have gotten a better deal. Well, I'm only trying to help.

Best Regards,
Slo cat
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Try camera shops

Post by RobStubbs »

I got my pistol case from a camera shop since they tend to have more choice and keep the prices down a bit than some of the shooting retailers. I'm trying to think what the make is but I think it's a storm one (??). Not cheap but completely flight rated, very solid and you can get models to hold from 1 to almost as many guns as you like.

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