Attn:Nicole Hamilton
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Re: test
scerir wrote:Something wrong here, but I do not know what it is :-)
How do you attach those beautiful photos?
I went to the site and had a look !
This is a very "original" to say the least and innovative prototype.
The photo may be beautiful but the gun is , well , ugly !!
The barell line is really r e a l l y low .. Couldnt make out the bolt or the mechanism that opens the breech for loading .
You should also include a pic that shows the entire barell and front sight if possible. The pic shows the weird grip ( left hand? ) and the proximal end of the pistol.
Place the pic(s) somewhere you can find on your PC .
click on browse when you post on here and select it.
then click 'add attachment'
I think many people on here would like to have a look .
Re: test
Hi Elmas. Thanks, I'm going to try 'your' safe procedure ... [I hope it works, in any case .... it would be a triple pic of a Portuguese free pistol, with a rotating trigger tongue, a spinning firing system, a 'basculating' barrel, if such a term really exists in English]Elmas wrote: Place the pic(s) somewhere you can find on your PC.
Click on browse when you post on here and select it. Then click 'add attachment'. I think many people on here would like to have a look.