multi-disciplinary shooting

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multi-disciplinary shooting

Post by .donthc »

hi all,

just curious to know how many of you out there engage in multi-disciplinary shooting? i.e, shooting more than 2 shooting events. shotguns and rifles also included.

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Post by Mellberg »

I mostly concentrate on Free pistol, Air pistol and Centerfire. But I also shoot (occasionally) field target, ppc, standard pistol and some other local events.

Precision shooting is pretty big here with national championship status. 6 or 7 regular precision series (if there is a championship we shoot 7+3 series) in three different categories. Standard pistols (.22lr) Centerfire pistols and service pistols. Scores can sometimes get very high as some swedish shooters specialize in this event. For example this years national championship the winner shot 488p with a 9mm Sig P210 in the service pistol discipline. 344 + 144 in the final.
The event is shot basicly just like the precision series in a centerfire match.
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Post by Matt »

At one time I was competing in long range, high power, smallbore, and bullseye simultaneously. I held high master cards in all except bullseye, where I had expert. I could have made master in that as well except the gun I was borrowing became unavailable.

Now I only compete in free pistol and air pistol.

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Post by Russ »

Matt wrote: .......Now I only compete in free pistol and air pistol.
Matt, don't be so shy.... I know you can do good in Standard, and Center Fire Pistols too ;)
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Post by Matt »

Russ wrote:
Matt wrote: .......Now I only compete in free pistol and air pistol.
Matt, don't be so shy.... I know you can do good in Standard, and Center Fire Pistols too ;)
Hi Russ!

I was actually thinking about getting a pistol to do just that. But the job firing did the kabosh to that. Give me a year and I will be on the range with you again. Keep your pellets dry and your barrel clean!

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Post by sparky »

I shoot IPSC, 10m AP, skeet, and trap.

I'm a B class IPSC shooter, I average in the high 540s in 10m AP, and average around 23 or so in skeet and trap.

Shooting different disciplines keeps me from getting bored.
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Slo cat
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Post by Slo cat »

I compete in all five international men's pistol events. I was the only senior at the NC to do so. Also shoot bullseye (2600 club), service pistol (P100) and revolver events (DR#24). I use eight different pistols for this, each with a significantly different trigger. Somehow I am able to switch between these with little effort. I attribute my international shooting as improving my service pistol and revolver skills. I enjoy the diversity.

But if I thought I had the talent to make the national team, I would drop all and specialize in one or two international events where I had the most potential.

Best Regards,
Slo cat
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Post by Hemmers »

shot Smallbore TR, prone and 3-positional competitively.

Blat some skeet and sporting clays for fun as a change to stationary targets!
Obviously enjoy trying new stuff - plinking with gallery rifles, pistols (when outside the UK!) and whatever else I can lay my hands on!
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