Vexing problems with .32 Hammerli 280

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Mike M.
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Vexing problems with .32 Hammerli 280

Post by Mike M. »

Shot a 2700 yesterday...and had some REALLY vexing problems with the .32 upper for my Hammerli 280. This gun has always had a problem with accuracy at 50 yards...always did. But this time! I was having a hard time keeping the bullets on the paper! Wretched shooting.

I know that there have been pet loads for the .32....but I don't reload. Probably should start. But does anyone know of a good, accurate factory load? I'm just about out of 98-grain Lapua....and frankly, I'm not sure that I want to buy more.

Or am I chasing down the wrong path, and need to switch to either a S&W Model 52 or a 1911 for this sort of thing? Or should I get a GSP-C conversion for my OSP and try for a 1-12 twist aftermarket barrel?
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Post by PETE S »

I guess I am just a bit confused, while most of us will allow you to use a 32 for fun in the 45 portion of a 2700, nobody would count it.

But anyway, my impression is the 32 by most manufacturers is designed for 25 meters and I have heard less than postive results with the Model 52 at 50 yards as well.

In part because of the rules about using a 45 or other militrary accepted pistol like the Berreta 92 in 9mm, almost everyone uses the 1911 clones 45 caliber.

I would find somebody that builds the 1911 clones in 45 for bullseye (rather than someone who builds them for IPSC or IDPA) and use that. Now I personally use a Pardini GT-45 but that is another controversy.

Part of the logic is that each discipline has its "equipment" and it just seems to work well to match up espicailly by first seeing what the top shooters are winning with and going that direction.
Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »


IIRC none of the international 32's have the right twist for 50 yards "out of the box." Larry Carter did some work with Hammerli engineers and came up with a suitable replacement barrel a few years back. Not sure of the twist rate- but mine prints 2" groups at 50 yards (with Lapua I believe?).

And the holes in the paper are even round!

Steve Swartz
Mike M.
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Post by Mike M. »

I think I'll give Larry a call. Thanks.
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Hammerli 280

Post by K5Tangos »

Here are some benchrested groups with my factory Hammerli 280. The Lapua is the 83gr variety.

My Pardini HP has the faster twist barrel from Wilson, and performs significantly better. Photos available of groups on request.

Hope this helps.
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Post by Rob »

I always liked to sandbag my pistols at 50 yards to see whats going on. My Pardini SP and High Standard Victor were good for 100's with as many as 7-8 x's (2" groups). My Model 52 is capable of 100's, but needs the entire 10 ring (3" groups). My Pardini realistly will shoot 96's, but on a perfectly calm day will shoot tighter groups. I found a semi-windy day opens up the groups with my .32. I'm looking at the original test target from my Giles 45 that he measured at 1 17/32" at 50 yards with cast lead bullets! He advertised that his 38's were more accurate than his 45's!
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