Morini CM162E Problem

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Morini CM162E Problem

Post by MarkR »

My 162E - fixed cylinder - has developed the problem of the side lockout latch slamming closed with each shot, then slowly opening back up. Can anyone help with this?

Also, after filling the cylinder, the first half dozen or so shots do not have a full air charge on them, some shots barely break the paper. Then it settles down and shoots fine.

Second, is it possible to disassemble the fixed cylinder in order to clean/lube the cylinder valve - it seems to be sticking or at lease sluggish.

Third, what is the way the air is regulated in the 162E model?

I am talking about the older fixed cylinder here. I am shooting at the OTC next month and need to get this thing working. HELP!
David M
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Needs some TLC

Post by David M »

It sounds like the pressure reducing valve is sticking or stiff to operate.
High pressure is bled from the tank into a pre charge chamber via a pressure reducing valve (spring loaded with a poppet type valve and O rings).
This reduces the air to approx 80-90 bar, pulling the trigger, fires the solinoid which releases the bolt to open the valve of the pre charge chamber to fire the shot.
If the pressure reducing valve sticks or is slow to refill the chamber, the pressure lockout will close to lock the loading lever and then slowly re open.
It may also cause a lower pressure (soft/low shots) to start if unused for a while until it frees up a little.
Suggest you have the pistol looked at by a pistol smith for a new set of seals, cleaning and lubricating (it needs a service).
This will also fix the fill valve problem.
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