Where to learn everything about Olympic online?

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Where to learn everything about Olympic online?

Post by melchloboo »

Hello, first time poster. I am a member of a bullseye pistol and rifle club. My question will be mainly about pistol. At the present time most members shoot .22LR and .45ACP on our outdoor range, with weekly matches based on either NRA 2700 rules or some variation. We have a club house with room for a 10m range. Some members already have match grade air pistols, most do not.

Basically, the task has fallen on me to sort of figure out how to get the beginnings of an air pistol range set up, appropriate traps and targets, suggestions for pistols, match structures, etc. I am having a much more difficult time finding an airpistol "101" web site than I though I would. I guess what I am saying is I think we understand shooting techniques and matches, we just need some guidance on how to get started in air matches. Thanks.
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by Spencer »


I have posted a summary (in Word) of the pistol, range and match at http://www.australiancynic.com/QD_10m_Pistol.doc
Let me know if this helps, or you need more info.


Post by Guest »

thanks. what are the stages of a match? where can I find the official targets? where can I find reviews of entry-level pistols?
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by Spencer »

Anonymous wrote:thanks. what are the stages of a match? where can I find the official targets? where can I find reviews of entry-level pistols?
There are no ‘stages’ in the ISSF 10m Air Pistol events (as opposed to the ISSF 5-shot 10m events).

Mens event is 60 shots, in a total competition time of 1 hour 45 minutes (i.e. ‘START’ to ‘STOP’)
Womens event is 40 shots, in a total competition time of 1 hour 15 minutes

For ranges in Australia without wind-back targets, the recommendation for ‘5-bull targets ’is:
- center aiming mark as the sighting target (unlimited number of sighters)
- five shots per competition target centre
for the 40 shot Womens event: change target after 40 minutes (total shooting time of 1:15)
for the 60-shot Mens events: change target after 40 and 75 minutes (total shooting time of 1:45).

A guide for Range Officers is at http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/nrc_pa/guide07.pdf

ISSF 10m targets are specified in http://www.issf-shooting.org/rules/engl ... 5_2nd.html
Posts: 1894
Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:13 pm
Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by Spencer »

Target suppliers will depend on where you are (i.e. which country).

There are a number of second-hand CO2 target pistols on the market – these should not be discounted as a real alternative.

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