Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by pilkguns »

Pistoley wrote:
No one's trying to avoid your business, they are trying to avoid your prices.

You offered the Evo 10 at a price comparable to Krale earlier this month, but only for the Compact model. So you have room to compete
you just choose not to.

You get to choose your price, the buyer gets to choose theirs.
The problem is the restrictions that don’t allow me to choose my price. And those failing to enforce restrictions on others to sell at an artificially cheap price.

That sale price reflected a loss on my part. Krale’s out the door price is essentially my landed costs. I needed to raise money to pay a debt, sometimes you have to have a fire sale. Likewise lots of other items were sold in various formats. Some I didn’t want to. And yes, I put up Compacts because that is what I had in inventory. Hard to sell something you don’t have.

Speaking of ….. I had something pretty significant change in my life in late 2017. Been planning the next phase since then…… It’s certainly on my table of consideration to no longer try to stock and sell something I can’t make a living on.

I have actually thought at times about buying guns from Krale, to serve a particular customer quicker, but, I don’t want to feed the bear at the door who wants to eat me.

Pricing is a function of many different things. Euro vs dollar value while trying to keep a consistent price, air freight, brokerage fees, duty, paperwork nightmares, market, demand, dealer margins, cost in relation to similar products, etc. The Steyr air pistol is the best air pistol in the world, therefore it should be the most expensive. Since 1992, Steyr has won more Olympic Medals than all the other manufacturers COMBINED. Steyr has won more World Championship medals than all the other manufacturers COMBINED. Steyr has won more World Cup medals than all the other manufacturers COMBINED. * Why would you shoot anything else? But here in the USA, quite frequently, people buy the Feinwalthadini because it’s the most expensive so it has to be the best.

So Mr Pistoley, I will leave you some questions to ponder
When is the last time you used Krale’s website to get information about repairing an older gun?

When is the last time you used Krale’s website to read interview from the worlds best shooters?

When is the last time you used Krale’s website to get shooting advice on multiple areas?

When was the last time you went on Krales forum to ask about how to repair a gun you just bought?

When was the last time you used Krales forum to ask about shooting advice?

When was the last time you went on Krales forum to sell some of your shooting gear?

When was the last time you were at a big match and didn’t make weight and Krale adjusted your trigger for nothing?

When was the last time an American junior program was given too good a deal because it was evident to Krale that it was all coming out of the coaches pocket?

Those are all part of the things included in “our PILKGUNS price”

And a great big THANK YOU to all who have donated to help me sponsor this forum

* actually the same three things could be said of Morini from 96 onward in the #2 position. Which leaves a pretty small percentage of Feinwalthadinis in the medal standings.
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by ChipEck »

From someone who started three business, two of which failed, the third was highly successful, I can echo what Scott said. He is 100% correct. I have purchased two Styers from him and I have been very happy. Scott can tell you what works, what does not, and what to consider based up decades of actual experience.

I spend hundreds of my free time (which is important to me) shooting. By listening to Scott I have saved myself a ton of wasted hours because I did not purchase what works best for me, tips on getting kids involved in shooting, etc.

I have no idea if I could have gotten a better price. But dealing with Scott was worth it to me. In my mind, I get the best deal in the world every time I buy from Pilkguns.

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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by m1963 »

Classic: “Feinwalthadini!”

At an auction in Manchester a wealthy American announced that he had lost his wallet containing £10,000 and would give a reward of £100 to the person who found it. From the back of the hall a Britisher shouted, "I'll give £150!"
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by ChipEck »

m1963 wrote:Classic: “Feinwalthadini!”

At an auction in Manchester a wealthy American announced that he had lost his wallet containing £10,000 and would give a reward of £100 to the person who found it. From the back of the hall a Britisher shouted, "I'll give £150!"

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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by Lenny »

Was that the wallet tied with white rubber band? We found the rubber band.
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by zanemoseley »

It is easy to lose sight sometimes that Scott is sponsoring the forum, especially when most other firearms forums aren't sponsored by a retailer, it becomes commonplace to share leads on good deals to other shooters. He was less than thrilled when I posted a thread about getting my Evo10 from Krale, I apologized and revised my thread. In my case buying in late 2016 / early 2017 with the Euro considerably weaker than it is today and also considering Pilk at the time charged for the 2nd cylinder, and I live in TN which would have added $200 in sales tax I ended up saving quite a lot of money. With all that said I would love to give Pilk my business if/when I need service done.

Sometimes retail businesses have a tough time competing. I worked in a computer shop when I was in high school in 2000/2001 and I could buy PC parts all day long online for cheaper than my boss was getting them for from his suppliers. Sometimes retail isn't fair to the small guys. Perhaps the recent strengthening of the Euro will work in Pilk's favor.
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by bootneckbob »

Been away but just to add I've just had my 3rd rifle arrive from Krale (to my door) next day delivery with UPS.

Having read this thread I have to say if I was in the States there's no way I would be buying from the EU.
On a seperate note, this is a great forum and full of useful info. Oh and I shoot The Evo E, full fat, not the compact!
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by northpaw »

Ordered, and paid in full, for a Steyr 10 Evo at May 2nd.

The Item was in Stock, and my order was confirmed from Krale immediately, and Krale wrote: will let you know when the item leaves our shop.

But then, I have heard nothing from Krale. For 32 days. No info from Krale about the long delay.

I live in a country not that far from The Netherlands.

This kind of customer support, or say lack of same, I do not appreciate.
Last edited by northpaw on Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by Scrench »

Several (6) folks in my club have ordered pistols and rifles from Krale. You will experience nothing different than if you had ordered it from someone here in the USA. You do not pay VAT, you do not pay customs. The price they quote is all you pay, and you get it amazingly quick, 2 weeks tops, usually sooner than that. Cannot speak to what happens in other countries. BUT... you will never get the customer service you would get from buying from our host, not to mention education, advice, competent repairs, and this website which reads like the bible of our sport. You can pick up the phone and call Scott or Buck, good luck with calling Germany. These are things you cannot put a price on. They are invaluable, and deserve to be supported.
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by northpaw »

I may just say my experiences with Krale is very different from Yours.
I emailed Krale the other day, asking about my order of May the 2nd.`
Krale hasn`t answered yet..
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by northpaw »

Got an email from Krale yesterdayl, which clears up this matter: "Steyr Evo 10 E with the gold cylinder is currently sold out." And: "We have special ordered this cylinder for you and will be included in our first shipment, most likely we will have this in stock in about 1-2 weeks. "
So, the Lp 10 Evo was in stock, but air cylinder of golden colour wasn`t.

I may receive my Steyr Evo 10 within a few weeks, then. An AP worth waiting for.

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moderator note: Comments regarding a now deleted post from another TT member have been removed.
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Re: Any experience with importing from Krale (Netherlands)

Post by northpaw »

My LP 10 Evo was shippet from the Netherlands today.
Late arrivel of a golden colored cylinder from Steyr (or from a subcontractor for Steyr) caused the delay.
Krale not to blame.
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