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David M
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:43 pm

Post by David M »

I found that the comp's on air pistols were really of no value as there was insufficent air to make much difference.
After testing about nine different styles, I now shoot airpistol without a comp.

Free pistol is a different story, I shoot a 4 port gas extractor style comp ( two ports up at 45 deg and two down). This has a great stabalizer effect on the free pistol allowing you to call the shot and watch the sight right through the entire recoil. It also stops gas overtaking the bullet as it leaves the muzzle.

The secondary port /chamber is approx 12-15mm ahead of the barrel. The total compensator is shorter the the origional Morini barrel end (approx 50-60 mm). It allows you also to use much higher velocity ammo (ie cheaper) than efore. And there are some cheap ammo's that shoot very well.

Post by Guest »

David M wrote:I now shoot airpistol without a comp.
Do you mean you use the factory fitted device which does not act as a comp, or have you removed the factory device and have the sight fitted directly to the barrel?
David M
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:43 pm

Post by David M »

Just the old plain Morini barrel end, although I also have a new Tesro Air to play with fitted with a factory comp.
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