.45 options that aren't 1911 or similar grip angle?

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Re: .45 options that aren't 1911 or similar grip angle?

Post by Rover »

Come to the Desert Midwinter matches and win a .45. If it's free you might feel differently. We usually give away about half a dozen.
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Re: .45 options that aren't 1911 or similar grip angle?

Post by Houngan »

Rover wrote:Come to the Desert Midwinter matches and win a .45. If it's free you might feel differently. We usually give away about half a dozen.
I have a .45, a custom .45 that is medium-high-end (for IPSC, not bullseye) for many a year now. I've won Caspian slides and STI frames, so if I want a 1911 I both have one, and can build one. But I just don't like the grip angle. This isn't a shot in the dark, I have thousands of rounds through a 1911 and tens of thousands through Glocks, and maybe 100k+ of .45 through Smith revolvers. I don't get the need to try and talk people out of educated preferences.
C. Perkins
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Re: .45 options that aren't 1911 or similar grip angle?

Post by C. Perkins »

Houngan ;

Good luck in your search.
Please give us a full report of the pistol you find that suits your needs.
I am very interested in your findings.
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