New to CO2

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New to CO2

Post by VladB »

I just purchased a Feinwerkbau Model 2. I know, I am 20 years behind... :-)

I am not set up for bulk CO2. What CO2 tank do I need to purchase? What is a good price for a tank and what's a reasonable price for a fill? I'd greatly appreciate your help.
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Post by iow »

..... Just get yourself a Co2 fire extinguisher , unscrew the horn , screw on the FWB charging adaptor/filter & you're ready to fill ..... they last ages & can be easily refilled by any reputable fire equipment company for about $8.

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Go to a bar supply shop

Post by Bill177 »

Bar supply shops supply Co2 to bars and soda places for beverage dispensing.

I use a 20# bottle (which means there is 20 pounds of Co2 in the bottle). It actually weighs about 50#. It has a syphon pipe installed in it so that liquid Co2 comes out the top to fill whatever you fasten to it.

Very easy to use - although for accuracy I recommend a digital postal scale. For the scale and initial bottle fill/purchase I spent about $100. Shooting most days the bottle will need filling after about 18 months. Refill usually costs from $8 to $15.

The alternative to this is the fire extinguisher supply store as recommended by Vlad. Call one on the phone and explain what you are doing. Generally, they will be quite helpful to work with. You might save a few dollars going this route and be a little more portable (smaller bottle). You will still need a postal scale.

Personally, I much prefer Co2 to compressed air. Accuracy wise there is no difference and new Pardini, Steyr, and Anschutz APs are all available in Co2.

Do a search on Co2 use in this forum and you will learn a lot.
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Post by PaulB »

I have been using competition grade CO2 pistols and rifles for as long as they have been available. Because the team I coach has about 20-25 CO2 guns I use a full size (50#) gas cylinder (with dip tube) that I rent from a local compressed gas supply company. Because the cylinder is so heavy (maybe 100#) it is a little inconvenient to take back in to exchange for a full one but renting has the advantage of not having to worry about cylinder certification. I also think that I get a higher quality of dry CO2 and have never had any problems with moisture. Current rent is $50/yr.
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co2 pistols

Post by Nano »

World record in event AP60 in 1989 on WCF - 593 he has made using a pistol FWB 2 №09999 (pistol is made in 1986). SergeyPYZHIANOV also has made the Russian record (595+104,5) - on competitions in Dortmund (1995) - used pistol STEYR LP1 (gas balon).

I have received these sentences from ISSF.

Old feinwerkbau pistols are very good, accurate pistols, not superated today by air pistols, in terms of score.

I allways thik what hapen if Pyzhianov shoot in 1986 with an air pistol with absorver, compensator, drilled barred, and all the newest in air pistol, ¿the score were increased? If the answer is not, all the newest improvments and invention are only marketing.

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Think about it

Post by Bill177 »

Nano said, "If the answer is not, all the newest improvments and invention are only marketing."

That sentence does make one pause and think, now doesn't it?
David Levene
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Re: Think about it

Post by David Levene »

Bill177 wrote:Nano said, "If the answer is not, all the newest improvments and invention are only marketing."

That sentence does make one pause and think, now doesn't it?
Not in the least. Sergei Pyzhianov at his peak was an unbelievable shooter and amazing to watch. I am sure he would have scored the same with any gun giving a consistant MV.

Where the more modern guns come into their own is in the hands of us mere mortals with our range of imperfect techniques. Modern guns do not make you shoot better, they just make it easier to shoot consistently.
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