With JamesH's help I was able to make match grips for IZH-35.
It's a left-handed stock made for 85 millimeters wide hand.
When making left-handed grips the top edges may go very thin. This issue was corrected by glueing a rotated grainline ash-wood piece into the walnut block.
I can only speculate, but perhaps the machining required is greater. From what I call the other match grips (GSP, Pardini, MCM) are all fairly basic in terms of inletting the wood.
Brian James wrote:I can only speculate, but perhaps the machining required is greater. From what I call the other match grips (GSP, Pardini, MCM) are all fairly basic in terms of inletting the wood.
You may have a point Brian, and I can see that there is no wood at the back of the grip where others have a completely filled back end, meaning a lot more (careful) cutting.
On the other hand, both Nill and Rink make IZH35 grips for the same price as for other manufacturers.
diopter wrote:Do you make free pistol grips for the Drulov?
I've made a set a few years ago. It was made for the mod 70 Drulov. I could make some computer rendered images of the 3d model to show what they look like. Please let me know if you're interested.
I think I copied the toz-35s outside with some modifications, angle, palm rest, etc.