Anything of interest from the SHOT Show?
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:26 pm
The title says it all. Anything of interest to the precision shooting sports?
A forum to talk about Olympic style shooting, rifle or pistol, 10 meters to 50 meters, and whatever is in between. Hosted by
I got an email from PardiniUSA (I'm on the mailing list). It came with a picture of Zurek and Sanderson at the Pardini booth.Rover wrote:Zurek is there for a few days. He'll be back for a match Sat. and I'll ask him, as he hasn't yet responded to my email.
Booth #111 was busy all day today! We received tons of positive comments and questions about Pardini pistols. Keith Sanderson - Camp Perry star and Olympic record holder in Rapid Fire Pistol was at the booth and signed autographs. “Very promising gun!” said John Zurek - the lead shooter from Team Zero Bullets about the new Pardini HP in cal.32 ACP.